Chapter Six

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I parked the car much closer to Bert n' Jerry's, learning my lesson from last time. Despite my best speeding skills, I was still late, running to the back door of the bar.

I ended up having to drive to the next town over to find any silver anywhere, it was like there was some sort of silver drought around here.

"Hey darlin" The sound of Erin's thick accent, instantly helped to lift the bad mood I was in before. I still couldn't manage to get the old man's words out of my head, nor forget the weird run in I had with Archer.

"Hey," I smiled back, dropping my bag behind the bar and began taking orders. I leaned past Erin to grab the tequila bottle behind her.

"Oh my!" She grabbed hold of my arms, her eyes widening in alarm. "Your chest is red raw!" She gasped.

I looked down to where her gaze was, the sliver pendant resting on a patch of blistered skin.

"Sweetheart, I think you might be allergic to it." She tutted.

"Yeah maybe, but it's fine really." I assured her, grabbing the tequila and a few shot glasses.

"I know a great doctor, I could ask him to prescribe you a cream or something." The concern in her voice comforted me that I knew I could rely on at least someone in this town.

"I'm not sure that'll help, but thanks anyway."

"Anytime darling." She winked at me and smiled."Would you look who just walked in."

I didn't need Erin to tell me, I knew straight away who it was; I could feel him staring at me. Archer, Jake and a few others sat themselves in the same booth at the back as last night.

I became fidgety, not knowing where the new found energy had come from. I tried to concentrate on the customer in front of me, but my eyes were constantly drawn back to him.

His brown orbs followed me as I made a drink, an intense feeling behind them. I became flustered under his stare, my hands shaking as they poured the amber liquid.

I handed the man his drink, going over to Erin at the other side of the bar. "Would you mind if you covered for me for a second. I just need some air."

"Of course." I smiled gratefully, before heading out back.

Closing the door behind me, I leaned against the wall, running my hands through my hair.

Why was he here? Is he genuinely following me?

I closed my eyes, trying to get my irregular breathing under control. What was wrong with me?

My eyes shot open at the sound of the door opening and closing.

He stepped out slowly, careful not to bang his head on the door frame, coming out on an angle because his wide shoulders wouldn't fit directly. I watched, straightening up, to trying to at least dent the height difference between us.

Archer stepped closer, making my urge to cower back into the wall grow bigger. But I refused to let him get the better of me.

He stopped, a small gap left between us. My head reasoned for me to run away, or to at least go back inside to the safety of a crowd.

But my feet seemed rooted to the floor, my eyes unable to look anywhere but him.

"Why did you run from me mate?" His voice was thick and low, making my toes curl in my heels.

My mind couldn't focus on what I wanted to say, but only focus on the man in front of me. His hair looked tousled as if it he'd run his hands through it loads. I suddenly felt the urge to run mine through it.

Alpha's AngelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang