Chapter Thirty Nine

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I was outside in seconds, not a moment wasted as I tried to find where Althea was.

Once again my wolf was demanding for release, his desperation for his mate burning in the back of my mind. I got to the front steps, trying to catch a scent of where she was. It hardly took a light breeze for me to latch onto her heavenly scent, usually so sweet, but was now tainted with the sourness of terror.

I ran towards it, the smell of another person also getting stronger and stronger, only making me fear the worst.

Every other emotion from before had been washed from body, as the instinctual need to keep my mate safe hit me like a tidal wave. The scream I heard was the sound of pure dread, a scream I had never heard her make before.

I got to the side of the house, my eyes instantly catching the sight of my mate trembling on the floor. She was on her back from where I assumed she had fallen over, trash cans splayed out behind her from where she had stumbled onto them.

The tears from earlier left a wet trace on her cheeks, but she wasn't crying anymore. Her eyes were wide, her emerald orbs gleaming with shear horror as looked in front of her paralysed.

A high pitched, crazed sounding laughter emerged from my left, piercing my ears and making me wince. It was like the sound of a feral animal, painfully unnatural.

My gaze quickly travelled to where hers led, to see a dark figure standing on the edge of the tree line. It was looking directly at me with its leering orange eyes unlike anything else I'd ever seen. Noticing my presence, the creature shrunk back slightly into the tree line. As it hunched over, I noticed it moved disjointedly, like it was injured.

I mind linked Jake, getting him to deal with whatever that thing was. I didn't have time to concentrate on it right now.

I was by Althea's side, trying to bring her into my arms and away from what ever that creature was lurking in the woods. But she was like a stiff board, absolutely paralysed, hardy noticing my efforts to move her.

Like a frightened small animal, her chest rose and fell at an alarming rate. Her gaze still had not moved, like she was frozen in time, caught up in time what had frightened her.

"Althea?" I tried, my hand delicately brushing the side of her face. That seemed to bring her back to reality, as she instantly flinched from me. Her eyes flickered around, like she was trying to familiarise herself with her surroundings. Finally they settled on me, wide and filled with fear.

"It's ok," I tried to take her hand in mine but she recoiled from it. I resisted the need to crush her against me, burying my face into her neck so that I didn't have to see her in this distressing state any longer. "He's gone now."

Instantly, she began shaking her head manically. "No." she breathed out in shakily. "No" she repeated over and over again.  She scrunched her eyes shut, and I felt my heart twist in pain as I had never seen look more tormented.

"Hey"I tried to get attention to stop her from falling down whatever hole her mind was taking  her. "Althea look at me, tell me what's wrong" 

She shook her head again, her eyes slowly opening. I waited for her to say something, but she just stared at me, going stiff again. I watched, realising she wasn't breathing anymore before her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out. I caught her before her head hit the ground, lifting her up so that I could carry her limp body back inside.

I mind linked Leah to come to the house whilst I carefully carried Althea back into out room. I laid her down gently on the bed, careful to make sure her head was on the pillow and lifted her legs up. The gentle sounds of her breathing reassured me that she had just passed out from being overwhelmed.

I heard the front door open and the sound of quick feet flying up the stairs before a whirl of ginger came barrelling through the door. Leah's eyes grew large as she saw Althea on the bed.

"What happened" she gasped with worry coming straight over.

"There was a trespasser," I looked down to my mate; even in sleep her face remained distressed. "she was outside and whatever it was frightened her so much she passed out."

"Have they caught them yet?" Leah took my place holding Althea's legs.

"Not yet" I growled, my eyes still glued to Althea, unable to look away. Leah's head raised, her pupils dilating. "what?" I asked, knowing she had caught a scent.

"Nothing- I just thought I smelt something." she said, confusion in her voice.

"It's probably whatever that filthy thing is outside." I spat, hatred directed towards whatever had caused my mate is much pain.

"We've got him"   Jake mind linked me. My wolf snarled, ready to rip them to shreds, his bloodlust frighteningly strong.

"Look after her please." I told Leah before leaving the room.

This fucker was about to wish he was never born.

It took only minutes to reach the cells. The need to shed blood was aching in my veins, my canines extending past my lips. Each step closer, I went deeper into dingy hallway, the revolting stench burning in my nose.

Jake was waiting for me at the end of the hallway, past all the 'regular' cells. He stood straight, knowing right now was no time to be joking by the way I was struggling to keep my wolf at bay.

"He's inside." He said curtly as I approached. His hand came to my chest, stopping me. I looked down at it, the action making me ready to tear Jake's arm off. "I warn you now" he said carefully knowing my patience was wavering thin. "there's something not right"

I removed his hand from my chest, pushing open the door. The strange scent hit me again as I entered.

A dark figure hung with his feet barely touching the floor, both hands shackled above him in chains. His head hung low, seemingly unmoving. His body was meagre, his skin tattered and worn thin pulled taught over his bones.

The low sound of chuckling filled the bare room, the ghostly looking man in front me shaking slightly. The laughing increased in volume, it's haunting tune ringing in my ears. It became deafening, making me grit my teeth.

"Enough" I barked in frustration. The laughing ceased, the room going eerily quiet again.

Then slowly, the stranger raised his head, a sickeningly wide smile plastered over his sunken face. His orange eyes burned bright as their hollow pupils pointed to me. He stared for a moment, making the hairs on the back of my neck raise.

"Hello Mr Wilde."


Side Note/// Short but sweet- very sorry for the underwhelming content for the long wait

Once again, I have scared myself. I feel that I have such a clear image of what this guy looks like and I don't even want to put it into words cause i scare myself lol

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