Chapter Twenty Five

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For the first time, I think archer actually listened to me. After I told him to leave, he did. He didn't come back.

It had been six days, and he hadn't shown his face once. At first I thought that he had finally given up, that he had left and was waiting for me to walk out. But I soon realised that I wasn't to be that lucky. The door, and every window was firmly closed and locked shut.

Six days and six nights. For six days I had woken up in the same bed, with a fresh set of cloths laid neatly at the end of the bed, which a tray of food beside it. For six days I spent staring at the same walls, unable to leave, wondering how much longer I would have to wait here. Would I die here?

For six nights I barely slept, my nightmares so bad I could hardly shut my eyes without my mind being tortured. I would wake up, barley breathing, sweat pouring down my face, and my throat raw from screaming.

And for six nights, a shadow would pace back and forth under the crack of my door, the floor boards creep with each one of their nervous steps. After a while, once I'd calmed down, they would just stand there, and when I woke up, they were gone.

The mark on my neck was agony, and every day it would only become more and aggravated. The skin around the dark infected teeth marks looked blistered and burnt. Beside the food that would come in the morning, was a med kit. I would try to tend to it myself, but every time I would come near it with either a bandage or disinfectant, the screaming pain that would erupt was enough to make me faint.

And now, it was day seven. I woke up, my head pounding, worse than usual the past couple of days. My skin felt clammy and my throat dry. Looking down by my feet, I went to grab a paracetamol and a water; chugging a whole litre in seconds flat. Surprised that I had finished the whole bottle, and that my throat was still dirt dry, went to the bathroom to get some water.

Although the moment my feet hit the ground, my head rushed and my vision turned blurry. Struggling even to make it a few steps, I stumbled through the door, having to catch my breath whilst leaning on the counter top.

Raising my gaze, I was disgusted to see clotted crimson oozing out from beneath the bandage. My fingers hesitantly grazed over the inflamed skin around it, making me wince at even the slightest touch.

My skin was itching, like a rash was crawling all over it. Beads of sweat were trickling down my forehead, sliding into my eyes and further clouding my vision. Turning on the tap, I ran the cold water splashing it on my face.

The relief of the cold was instant but short, before it evaporated and I had to splash more. I kept going until water was almost everywhere. I stood soaked from the waist up, hair clinging to my face as water dropped off my chin.

I panted, the hot breath lasting on my tongue. My head felt light as I burnt up. The pain where the bite was was growing ten fold.

Something was wrong, I could sense it.

My legs collapsed out from underneath me as if all the energy was sucked out of them. I landed in a heap on the floor, my brain spinning.

My insides felt like they were burning, and my blood was boiling. All at once, a searing pain ran through out my body, originating from my collarbone. I couldn't help the blood curdling scream that followed.

In seconds I heard pounding that rumbled the floor I was slumped on. The pounding soon turned into audible footsteps, getting louder and louder.

The door was thrown open as Archer came storming in, worry plastered across his face. He only took a moment to look at me, before scooping me up in his arms.

I groaned at the movement, every part of me aching. He brushed aside the hair covering the bite, grimacing when he saw state it was in. He began to lift the bandage, making me scream in pain again. I thrashed around in his arms, trying to get away as he inspected the wound.

His eyebrows pulling together. A mixture of confusion, worry and something like anger morphed his features.

His bare palm hovered over the bite, before gently coming down. Unlike I thought, the pain subsided when his skin touched mine. Though just like last time with the water, the relief only lasted shortly before the pain came back.

I groaned again, trying to get closer to Archer to me to ease the pain. Pushing me away from him, he took deep breaths, his gaze turning dark. He looked down on me with such extremity that I thought that I would melt beneath his smouldering gaze. I writhed in both pain and the because of the uncomfortable scrutiny that he was putting me under. I stared back at him, panting in thick arms, conscious of every inch of bare skin that was in contact with mine.

Our eyes remained locked, the intensity of the stare holding me there, unable to move. Unable to breathe.

There was something. Something there held by us in that moment that I couldn't describe. Like I was seeing him for the first time. Archer wasn't Archer anymore. All I could see was a man, his golden eyes shinning down on me, who fascinated me in every aspect.

Almond shaped orbs, encompassed by thick eyebrows that were pinched together. A slight crookedness in his sharp nose. Plump lips that were set in a tight lipped frown. Rich tan skin that shimmered under the sunlight that was streaking through the window, ending at an angular jaw line.

The harshness in the contours of his face replicated his stern nature. Yet there was a subtlety of softness underneath; rarely seen but always present. Like it needed to be coaxed out from under the surface.

In an instance, whatever dream like state I was in, it was broken as my body was thrown under freezing water. I gasped in relief, relaxing instantly as I relished the coolness.

Opening my eyes which I hadn't realised I shut, I realised I had been thrown into the bath.

Looking up, I saw Archer leaning over me, his hands clenching the side of the bath. His breathing was deep, and he looked like he was ready to murder me.

His voice broke the silence that had been growing for too long. Yet what he said next confused me tenfold.


Side-note// Only took me four months to get this chapter out.

Remember to keep safe whilst the world is on lockdown

xoxox -shay

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