Chapter Thirty Three

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Althea's POV

I know I had always resented the sun. However right now, as it's gentle rays bounced off my skin, spreading it's warmth all across my body, I couldn't lie it was I was enjoying it for once. I lay with my head amongst the grass, as I watched the swirls of light from behind closed eye lids.

I wondered briefly where Archer had to go to but dismissed it, as I knew he had other things to do other than be with me all of the time. However there was a selfish part of me that wanted him back beside me, a part of me that I noticed had been growing recently.

His wolf wasn't half a terrifying as I remembered it, when it wasn't chasing you and snarling, he actually seemed... cute?

In a way, I almost preferred him like that. He wasn't being bossy, or sending me warning looks for doing something wrong. His presence was calmer, like he was more sure of himself. It was like he was stripping back everything human that held him back, until he could just be himself.

Yet I had no idea what happened as soon as his wolf came out. It was like my demon trying to jump out of chest. Like it was trying to claw out with all of its strength, like it's life depended on it. But just as quick as that feeling came it had gone.

It left my head aching and tired, turning my brain and thoughts to mush. I didn't mean to ramble at Archer, half of what I was saying not even making sense. But it was like I had been put into some strange dream like state, open to talk about anything and Archer was being the perfect listener.

Ever since the night I had been in heat, it was like the demon's presence had been pushed back. Usually, I can feeling her burning away in the back of my mind constantly demanding attention. But now, it was like she had been muted into a dull murmur, and half the time it was like it wasn't even there.

A loud smash broke me from my thoughts.

I jumped up from the grass bed I had been laid on, and ran to the doors. The sound of Archer's angry voice filled the house. I followed it all the way to his office, where I could practically hear what he was saying through the thick doors.

I wasn't sure who he was directing his anger to, but who ever it was, I would not like to trade places with.

"This can't be built on something that isn't real." I could just about make out what Archer was saying, but I moved closer any way, wanting to hear what the next person was saying. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but if Archer was getting this worked up about something it wasn't good.

Whatever was said next I missed, but I heard the faint reply of someone else, but it was tooo weak for me to make out who it was. I pressed my ear to the door trying to hear better.

"I don't want to lie anymore" Archer growled. I could imagine him pacing back and forth with his hands running through his hair from his tone of voice.

Lie about what?

I hated it, but my first thought was that it was about me. That Archer had lied to me somehow. I pushed that idea back as quickly as it came. I needed to stop the constant need to question everyone, and just trust people. Especially him.

Archer had promised me that he would protect. He was my mate, it wasn't right for me to always question him. I had already told myself I was going to be better.

"You're not lying Alpha." was the cool answer that replied, not even affected by the fact Archer was raging at them. Most people would have run away in complete terror.

"You're only saying that because you know the truth is-" The sound of Archer's loud yelling suddenly stopped, like he had been interrupted. I pressed my ear closer against the wood, incase he was saying something quietly that I might be missing. There was a suspenseful silence as I waited for the next person to speak.

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