Chapter Nine

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A light breeze rattled the chains, the only other sound to be heard apart from my constant whimpering.

I was waiting. It was all I could do.

My head lolled lazily to the side, all my energy stripped from me by the silver.

And then I felt it. A rush of electricity shot through me, coursing up spine. My muscles tensed, my whole being erect. My head snapped up, my spine shifting and shattering.

My shrieks filled the air, alongside the sound of my bones in my back breaking and realigning themselves. My body buckled, testing the limits of my restraints as I tried to escape my shackles.

My flesh became hot and itchy, making me want to tear it away, the only thing stopping me being the cuffs around my wrists. My blood pumped through my veins thick and boiling.

Then nothing. All the pain was gone, leaving me catching my breath, panting and wheezing. But I knew better, this was only the beginning.

It struck again, the torture twice as bad as before. All I could do was scream while I waited for it to be over. It would start and stop again, the intervals between each getting shorter and shorter.

Until there were no breaks, and instead just a continuos flow of torment, strike after strike of unbearable agony.

Something between my shoulder blades began to shift. They crawled beneath my skin, pushing the flesh beneath aside. The skin on my back was taught, stretched across the new structures.

It was being pulled tighter and tighter until it burst, the skin shredded. I wailed, new limbs bursting out.

The newly formed wings stretched out, extending to their full length, the leafs around me being moved from their flapping. They carried me off the forest floor, the weight taken off my feet. The black feathers tickled my back along with the trickle of blood that ran down from the fresh wound in zigzagging lines.

I could feel the presence in my head, trying to push it's way past my consciousness. The hunger that consumed me overwhelmed the pain and the fear, it over powered every other emotion I had. It urged me to break free, to fill the pit in my stomach with the sins of another.

My canines shredded my gums, hanging out over my bottom lip; the taste of my own blood once again filling my mouth.

I knew there was no point in fighting it, allowing it to take over, along with the darkness that followed.


My eyes fluttered open, immediately wincing at the light that burned my retinas. I tried to lift my head off the ground, but couldn't find the energy to even support it for a second.

I lay there motionless, my whole body aching. I noticed my right hand chain was no longer attached to the tree, the branch it had been secured to completely ripped from the tree.

Luckily he rest of my restraints were still intact, meaning I hadn't escaped last night. A whoosh of relief came from my mouth.

I'd done it. I'd actually done it! If I could, I would jump and yell with happiness.

My happiness was short lived as my attention was directed towards the sound of a twig snapping. I lay completely frozen in fear as a huge paw emerged from the shadows of the undergrowth.

Every muscle in my body was stiff in terror as I watched as a four legged beast crawled out slowly. His yellow eyes shined, instantly making him recognisable as the creature I saw the other night from my window.

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