Chapter 38

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(2,5k !! Wow, thanks! I never imagined anyone reading this so thank you to every reader who added the story to their reading list and voted! I'm sure you know who you are, I have some very loyal readers  :) :) Also thank you for the private messages! Please leave comments if you like a chapter  or if you like the story <3 V.)

I wish Jolene hadn't left earlier today. I feel so hurt and so stupid.

"Let's go to my room, that's more comfortable," I announce when walking into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Killian asks cautiously when following me.

"Nothing." I pour two cups of wine and go lay down on my bed.

"What about Hero?"

"Hero is an ass. He's not my boyfriend or my father so he doesn't get to decide who stays in my room." Killian comes sitting next to me and takes one of the cups.

"Talk to me." I'm sure I won't be able to without crying. And I'm done wasting tears over boys. I swallow the lump again.

"He came out of Meg's room just now. I don't want to talk about it. Just stay with me, please." I know I'm begging but I don't want to be alone just now. Killian puts his arm around me and I calm down a bit.

I wake up to screaming. Lizzie. I jump out of bed in my football jersey and wake Killian. We must have fallen asleep during one of the episodes.

"There's something wrong!" I say and run out of my door. When entering the kitchen I see Scott with a bag of frozen peas on his face. There's some blood too.

"What happened?!" I hurry over to him.

"Nothing," he tries to smile and I can see his busted lip. Only then I notice Hero standing next to him. He purposely doesn't look at me.

"Your face looks like minced beef, what happened?" I demand again.

"Such a bossy little lady." He smiles this time. "Hero and I were out in a club and I kissed a girl. Unfortunately it turns out she has a boyfriend and the boyfriend wasn't too happy." Suddenly there's loud pounding at the door.

"Be careful!" Jack warns when I walk over. Looking through the peephole I can see a very angry, very large man standing there. Oh boy..

He keeps pounding at the door.

"He will break the door down!" I say. "Someone needs to talk to him."

"No you shouldn't. Security will notice and take him away."

"It's fine, just be quiet all of you." I open the door with a big yawn.

"Yes?" I manage to say in my best sleepy voice.

"I need to see your flatmate or boyfriend or whatever the fuck this scumbag is."

"Who? Look sir, this is a girls flat for one and two you're breaking the door down at 3 am. I need you to leave. Now." I put my hands on my hips and try to sound as bossy as I know I can be. The man is taken off guard for a second.

"Look miss, I don't want to hurt you but I know he's in here."

"And I know he's not. If you try to break down the door again, I will call security. Goodbye." I slam the door in his face.

"You fucking crazy, stupid woman," Hero yells. "What the hell? Why did you do that?" We all stare at him.

"Excuse me? I got rid of the guy who wanted to beat you up. Thank you would be nice."

"That was dangerous and you know it. Should've known though since you NEVER listen to me." He turns around and walks away. What? He's the one that came out of Megan's!! I run back in to the kitchen.

"Bad ass!" Scott says and claps his hands. "So who's jersey are you wearing tonight?"

"Uhmm Thorgan Hazard. He used to play for my team so I got one of his jerseys. He's my favorite Red Devil."

When Scott answers and talks about football, I look at Hero. I don't get why he's so mad. He still won't look at me.

"Okay, I might go to bed," Scott announces.

"No you're not. You might have a concussion," I say. "You need to stay awake and someone needs to stay with you."

"Ohh, will you?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"She won't. She already has company for the night," Hero answers. I can hear that he's holding back so much anger. I hate this sound. Anger mixed with disappointment.

"What is your problem?"

"You are." I runs past me and pushes me out of the way. It's as if someone twists a knife inside me.

"I will stay with you, Scott, " he says while exiting. Everyone just looks at me and I don't know what to tell them. I must look as confused as they are.

"I have no idea why he's so pissed."

"Maybe because I'm in your room?" Killian speaks.

"I doubt it since he was in Megan's earlier. I'm done with that guy. I don't want him in our flat after tonight." I walk away. Killian doesn't follow. Maybe that's for the best because as soon as I'm in the safety of my room, the tears come and I can't stop them. I try not to sob or make any sound so I bite my knuckles to prevent myself from making noises. All the frustration and the pain come out and all I can do is cry myself to sleep.

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