Chapter 25

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I notice that Hero starts stroking my back. Just as before it is as if it comes natural to him. I don't mind though. I love when people stroke my back. We're so comfortable in each other's company that when the film ends we just start talking. We just lay there, him stroking my back and my head on his chest and we just talk about the little stuff for hours.

"Okay, your favorite place?" He asks.

"Difficult one! My absolute favorite place in the entire world would be the Island of Madeira. It's so peaceful and green and beautiful, visiting it in summer always is my best time of the year. My favorite city to visit is Florence. I just love the yellow and sandy coloured houses. And watching the sunset on top of Palazzo Vecchio... just seeing the soft yellow and red colours of the sun above the river Arno or the Duomo is the best thing ever."

"Wow, you're face just lights up when you talk about those places! I haven't been there so maybe I should!"

"Oh definitely! I could show you around Florence, you'd love it! It's tiny streets and ancient history."

"Deal, we should definitely visit this summer!" We both jump up when Scott enters the kitchen.

"Why are you still up?" He sounds surprised.

"We did a Harry Potter marathon with the others," I quickly reply.

"So where are they?" Scott has a broad smile on his face and wiggles his eyebrows. "Nice man, I didn't realise she was your thing."

"Tss boys." I roll my eyes and start picking up the blankets and pillows. It's just awkward now. I wish Hero would leave with Scott but he doesn't. Somehow it just seemed like there was no outside world but our little bubble when we talked. Now reality has kicked in and reality is that he fucks around with every girl in our building. He's in my class. He's younger than I am. He's 21 for crying out loud. He's famous. Hero starts helping me with cleaning up.

"Uhm... I may go to bed," I say.

"Okay I'll walk you to your room." I'm surprised. My room is right next to our kitchen. We silently leave and he doesn't talk when I open my door.

"Okay so.. uhm.. goodnight," I say.

"Goodnight Charlotte. Thanks, I had a great time." Hero leans in and for a minute there I'm worried that he might kiss me again. What worries me the most is the way my body reacts immediately. Hero doesn't kiss me however. Not on the lips anyway. He puts a small and sweet kiss on my forehead and leaves. He keeps surprising me. This is not the way I thought he was. I have been up all night but I have trouble sleeping. Hero's gesture keeps me awake. I'm looking forward to class on Monday way too much.

When I enter class on Monday, Hero isn't there. Mike tells us he won't be back for a couple of weeks because he's gone back to America for some film. My heart stops and I'm so disappointed. Why didn't he tell me?

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