Chapter 3

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The next morning I meet Jack in the kitchen.

"Ooohh, you have a coffee machine!" He stares at it jealously. I offer him a cup and make him some. We talk a bit about our upcoming day.

"I'm meeting Lizzie in an hour," he says. "She's awesome. She's living in the flat across." He talks a bit about Lizzie and I wonder if they know each other from high school.

"It must be nice to be close to a childhood friend," I say. Jack starts chuckling.

"Why would you think that? I just met het yesterday." We both start laughing and we part ways.

About an hour later I get a message on Facebook asking me if I want to meet "the neighbours". I assume he means the people living in Lizzies flat. I'm a bit nervous when I knock on Lizzies door. The door immediately opens and a pretty brown haired girl sighs as she sees me.

"Ohhh, your hair is as beautiful as Jack described it," she says. She touches my hair first and then hugs me. I'm so shocked by this greeting that I can only say "thank you". Why did people always tell me that British people liked their distance? Everyone wants to hug all the time. She takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. Their flat looks exactly like ours.

"Heey, this is Charlotte. Jack's flatmate!" she squeals excited. The others sit on the sofa and turn to great me. I'm shocked again, because Hero is one of them.

"Sooo, this is Megan, Killian, Hero and Joe," Jack introduces them. Killian is very attractive. Tall, dark and handsome. He has such a nice smile.

"Oh, we met," Hero says while rolling his eyes. "She yelled at me because I was throwing a party."

"You threw a party in the middle of the hall, at 3 am in the morning. I needed some sleep! I left my house at 3 am and I wanted to get some sleep and go to the Internationals Introduction."

"Such a nerd," Hero rolls his eyes again. Megan giggles.

"Oh you don't like parties?" Jack asks.

"I do! I love parties and dancing."

"Oh great! You should come with us then. It's Fresher's Week which means we get to go to clubs for free and get lots of drinks for free too!"

"Maybe we should do a little pre drinking in our flat?" Stefan suggests. We all agree that this a good idea.

"Okay, it was nice to meet you all but I have to go meet a friend."

"A date already?" Jack teases.

"Nah, just some guy I met yesterday." Hero just stares at me. I wish he wouldn't do that. I can't read what he's thinking.

"Can I do your hair please?" Lizzie asks if she walks me to the door. I don't like people touching my hair, but I agree.

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