Chapter 24

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By the fifth film I start feeling uncomfortable sitting up.

"You can put your head on my lap if that's more comfortable," Hero says when he notices me shifting around all the time. I hesitate. Isn't that too intimate? It didn't feel too intimate when Killian put his head on mine so why should it bother me now? I smile thankfully and put my head down. Okay, it does feel weird but I don't want to sit up again. After a while I feel his fingers gently brushing through my hair. I turn a bit to look up at him but he seems very concentrated on the film as if the stroking of my hair just comes natural to him. He must do it to all the girls.

"Okay for the 7th and 8th film I want to lay down as well," Hero says while stretching. "Let me just put the pillows against the sofa so we can both lay down against them." I let him arrange the pillows the way he wants.

"Hmm, okay there aren't enough pillows to both lay against them. So let me do it and you can lay against my chest?" He sounds unsure as if just now realizing that it's too intimate for sure. He looks adorable and I really want to cuddle up against him. I smile and say it's fine. I try not to look at the others because I'm pretty sure they're shocked. He lays down and I cuddle up against him to fit under the blanket. I hesitate to put my head on his chest and I look up at him.

"It's fine," he smiles his adorable smile. "Can I put my arm around you? It'll be uncomfortable otherwise." I nod. When I put my head on his chest I can hear his heart. It seems as if his heartbeat is accelerating and his breathing becomes fast and shallow. He smells so good and I'm starting to enjoy this. This definitely is the best way to watch Harry Potter! After a while he seems to relax and puts his arm around me more tightly.

"I'm putting Lizzie to bed," Jack says after the 7th film. "She drifted off a while ago and I don't want her neck to be sore from this position."

"I'm leaving too," Killian says while getting up. They all say goodbye and leave.

"Do you want to go to bed too?" Hero asks. He seems disappointed. It's almost morning again but somehow I feel more awake than ever.

"I'd rather watch the last one too."

"Good, me too!" When he presses play I realise we're still on the floor while we have a sofa available. I know Hero just realised this too because he shifts a little. Neither of us speak up so we just stay where we are. I'm shocked that it felt so comfortable to cuddle that we didn't even think about sitting on the sofa. I can feel the tension building up between us once again. Was it a good idea to say yes to this?

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