Movie Night

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A/N Was going to make this a really long chapter but decided to yet again split this up into three parts counting the last chapter.

After the spider woke up the morning after his nightmare, he read the note on his door, saying:

Morning Spider-boy,

Go take a shower and meet me on the main level. I want to say there's a 97% chance I will be drinking coffee in the kitchen. If I'm sitting on the couch and drinking water, assume it's an evil clone and kill it.

- Tony

Peter exhaled out of his nose with a slight chuckle, noticing Tony hasn't changed his humorous ways. Peter did as the note commanded, taking a shower and getting dressed, brushing his teeth and taking the elevator up to the main level. As the note suspected, Tony was in the kitchen drinking coffee with the unholy amount of bed head he had. It did look like the old man got some good sleep which was good, still needing his daily dose of coffee anyways. Tony noticed the teen walking into the kitchen, motioning for Peter to sit next to him. 

It was still early in the morning, and the team wasn't in the living room, so it was just the two. Peter sat down next to him, Tony sliding him a hidden mug of coffee he had next to him. The hero didn't hesitate to take it from him, sipping the hot but delicious bean-juice.

"Hey Pete, you sleep well?" Tony said, tiredly. Peter nodded slowly blinking, not wanting to open his eyes again because of how tired he was.

"Glad to hear, otherwise I would have thought you stayed up all night based on how tired and loopy you are." Tony chuckled. Peter looked at him with a face that said what-are-you-laughing-at?

"Well," the man said, "for starter's you put your shirt on backward."

Peter looked down, confirming that notion and slipping both his arm's in his sleeves, turning the shirt the right way then grabbed hold of his coffee once again. Tony laughed a bit while the kid was busy doing that.

"Say's the man who looks like he was caught in a tornado." Peter smiled.

"Hey, why present yourself when there's no-one else around to see it? Not like there's going to be a press conference today. Even genius playboy billionaire philanthropists get a day off." Tony smiled, sipping his coffee. Peter suddenly jumped a bit when the toaster dinged,  two slices of golden crisp pieces of toast springing out.

"Breakfast is here. It did take a while though, so I'm going to give it a 3-star review." Tony said, getting up and dishing up toast for Peter. The butter perfectly melted on its surface, not being all clumpy and such. Tony slid the plate over to the teen, who didn't hesitate to start devouring it. He was pretty hungry, he always is when he wakes up. Tony then stood across from Peter, leaning forward on the countertop.

"Hey, Peter," Tony said, bringing down his cheery tone to the point Peter realized that the mood changed, "you know when they arrested Maye?"

Peter nodded his head, already not liking the mention of his aunt right away.

"Well, one of the officers there brought up the point that we'd both have to, uh, go to court pretty soon afterward. They'd say they would E-Mail me the exact date soon, but they estimated it would be sometime this week."

Peter swallowed his food, setting down his coffee and putting his hands in his lap, "So... what are we going to do there? At court?" the spider asked, unknowingly.

"Well,  we'd both be talking about the situation that went down back at the carnival, and..." Tony paused a bit, making Peter worry a bit, "...and you'd probably have to talk about your home life. Everything bad she's done to you, and all."

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