Dread During School

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Peter shakily got up, stumbling in shock that Maye was letting him out. He got his things from school together and shoved them in his backpack. He realized that he didn't have enough time to eat, so he grabbed some of the money from his pillowcase and ran out the door, not wanting to see Aunt Maye.

 He got to the bus stop just in time for it to just be leaving. He hopped on, paid the driver, and took a seat, holding his growling stomach. He had lost a few pounds over the span of day's he was trapped in his room. Some people on the bus noticed his skinniness and cut face, staired, and walked away. Peter felt helpless and embarrassed all the way to school. 

He arrived at school on a time crunch. Peter ran inside the school, hoping that the bell hadn't ringed so he could get breakfast there. as he entered the main halls, the bells of school chimed and kids stormed the halls. Peter rushed to the cafeteria, Maybe they'll be open for extra time today, Peter hoped. He arrived there just as they were locking the doors up until Lunch.

"H-hey! Wait, can I buy some breakfast, PLEASE! I promise I won't ask again, just this one time!" Peter begged.

"Sorry kid, unless you have paper cash we won't make any acceptions, we shut off the ID machines." one of the staff said.

"Yea, I-I got..." -Peter paused, checking his pockets- "I got..." he continued checking his clothing for extra cash he snatched from home. Shit, he thought. He must have dropped it while running to school.

"Sorry kid, no cash no exceptions." the staff said, locking the doors and walking away. Peter wanted to curse as loud as he could, but he wasn't angry enough. He felt like he was about to bawl like the world didn't want him to succeed. His stomach was aching and growling louder, but there was nothing he could do. He could tell the counseling office, but he didn't know how without mentioning Maye. The last time he ratted out on her he got hurt pretty badly. 

Peter wanted to look one final time, trying to retrace his steps before he was late. He looked back in the parking lot he would have dropped it, but nothing. 

So in defeat, Peter just went inside and dropped his junk off at his locker, and went to his first few periods, not able to pay attention whatsoever. He got a few weird looks from his classmates, but nobody cared to ask what was wrong. 

He was just about done with the third period when a girl, MJ, came up to him. He knew MJ but didn't talk with her on a daily bases. She was more of an acquaintance than a friend.

"Hey Peter," she said sitting next to him, "how you doing?"

"Not great," Peter chuckled ironically, "I'm starving and I lost my money while running to school so I couldn't buy breakfast. I've just been basically sitting in class zoning out."

"Yea," she said, getting up after the shortlived conversation, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I don't think lunch is going to be any better though, there serving those weird fish sticks again."

Peter sighed, furrowing his brow.

"Hey," MJ said, reaching into her pocket, grabbing a stick of gum out of her pocket, "eat this after lunch, I'm sure you'd want something to eat. This'll help with the taste. See you 'round, Pete" she finished as she turned to walk out of class just as the bell rang. Peter grinned a bit.

Peter was dropping stuff off at his locker before lunch and walked down the hallway to wait in line. Fishsticks, Peter thought, I don't think fish sticks should look green and smell like rotten egg's. His trailing off was interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice. He looked over and saw his least favorite person, Eugene. 


He was one of the most irritating and narcissistic people in high school. His parents were rich, and let him buy or use anything. Eugene got to use his dad's silver convertible for the whole school year, and now everyone's calling him "Flash". Peter was pretty sure Flash paid the teachers to call him by his nickname. In any case, Flash was the most playboy-like teen at the school, and Peter hated him.

He would alway's wear fancy button-up's with suit's over them like he was a formal bigshot. He would also occasionally wear a fedora, and when he did he would always show it off. He had custom shoes made for him, shiny and gold. His eyes were brown, matching his hard but weak-looking dark-skinned face.

"Hey guy's, look what I found while walking into school," Flash said as he pulled out a dirty five-dollar bill out of his pocket, "I told you that coming to school late wasn't a big deal. It was basically out in the open, sitting in the parking lot. I'm gonna buy a bunch of junk, way better than those crap-sticks."

Peter realized then and there that he had dropped a five-dollar bill in the parking lot before school. Flash took that money. Flash took it, that's why it wasn't there when he tried to find it. Flash made Peter miss breakfast. Flash took Peter's last hope to eat some decent food. Flash took that one hope away from him.

"Hey," Peter said, angry and firm, "that was my cash. I dropped it."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Flash said sarcastically, "I'm sure you were sooo worried about your five bucks. get over it Peter, this isn't you're money, it's mine now-" Peter got closer to flash, stepping out of line and cutting him off.

"Do you know what I was going to do with that? I was going to eat breakfast. Because I haven't EATIN in THREE DAY's." Peter said, getting more firm. He was tired of people ruining his life, ungrateful people, people who don't deserve what they get.

"Jeez, Parker. You really want to steal my money, don't you? You know what, have it" -he laughed- "I got enough money anyway's, Penis Parker-" Flash didn't finish before getting a punch straight across the face, falling to the floor.

"You don't deserve what you get. You don't deserve money, you don't deserve car's, and you definitely don't deserve my scrap money. You suck." At this point, the area around Peter was silent. Eye's looked at him. He didn't care though, he got his lunch and went to sit down to eat, people clapping and cheering behind him. Nobody beside Flash's goons liked Flash, so that punch was long-awaited for a while.

Peter finished lunch, chewed on the pleasant mint gum that MJ gave to him, and finished the last few periods, getting out of school. He met up with Ned, and they started to walk home together.

"Hey Peter," Ned asked, "is it true you punched Flash during lunch? I didn't see it 'cause I was in the bathroom."

"Yea," Peter replied happily, "it was awesome! He stole some of my money and I was really mad, so I punched him and he fell to the floor like a scaredy-cat. It was the best part of today!"

"Awesome..." Ned said, trying to imagine such a perfect moment.

After a while, Peter finally got home. He was lucky enough to have come home at a time were Maye was passed out drunk. Peter was tired, and he wasn't as hungry as before. He dropped his backpack off and laid in bed. Today wasn't that bad, Peter thought tiredly, maybe tomorrow will be better.

And within thinking that, he dozed off to bed, peacefully this time. He slept all night, not thinking about anything, just a comfortable limited happy place. Today wasn't bad. Today wasn't bad...

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