After School

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Peter and Ned, Peter's best friend since middle school, started to head home from school.

"So," Ned said elbowing Peter's arm, "I got a Lego Star Wars set. Wanna come to my house and put it together?"

Peter looked at him, cocking an eyebrow, "What kind of set are we talking about?"

"An AT-AP Walker." 

"Really!? Aren't those like fifty bucks?" Peter said surprised.

"It was my birthday, my grandma gave it to me. Thought I'd better build it with you, you seem to like them as much as I do." Ned smiled at the thought of eating sandwiches and chips while building an awesome plastic figure.

"That sounds really fun Ned, but I'm not sure Aunt Maye would like me staying out 'till 12:00 AM again-"

"Don't worry! Today's Friday, remember? Just ask Maye and we'll sleep over at my house. My parents will be out so we can sneak some snacks too. Common man, it'll be fun! You seem like you're always busy, just relax this weekend, Peter!"

Peter blinked. "Ok!" Peter said, determined, "You're right, I should stop being so busy with... homework- and do something with my buddy. When do you want me to come over?"

"How about 4:00? I'll get stuff prepared while you do your thing before then. Good plan?" Ned said, putting out his hand for a fist bump.

"See you then!" Peter fist bumped him, waved and sprinted down the street toward his apartment.

.   .   .

Peter unlocked the multiple locks on the apartment door, slowly creaking it open. He looked around hesitantly, and after not seeing anyone inside he started walking towards his room. He stopped walking once he heard a loud snore. He turned to see his Aunt passed out on the living room couch, empty beer and liquor bottles surrounding her, a foul stench coming from the bathroom. He didn't want to investigate and headed to his room. 

He emptied his school backpack, pouring out pounds of homework from that day. He thought about bringing it to do at Ned's house but remembered about what Ned said. Peter gathered together some extra clothes, some snacks he hid in his room, and his laptop. He went over to his shutter closet, opening it. Inside was his suit.

Six month's ago, Peter got bit by a radioactive spider, and for the next few day's he showed signs of having powers. Peter was able to walk on walls and roofs and had been growing increasingly stronger. He wanted to use his newfound powers for good, so he decided to become a local superhero for his town, Spiderman.

His "suit" was a red hoodie with sleeves ripped off and a long-sleeved blue shirt underneath. He made a makeshift red mask with black swimming goggles so he could see. Sewing a pair of blue jeans on, he made himself a workable suit.

Should I bring this in case something happens? What If Ned sees it? Would he tell anyone? Would he even know Spiderman? Questions flooded his brain as he contemplated bringing the suit. Don't be stupid Peter, nothing interesting happens in town and if it did, the Avengers would handle it. They always do. He shut the closet doors and checked his watch. 3:45 PM, enough time to get to Ned's house. Peter unlocked and slowly opened his door as to not wake Maye. 

He stepped into the living room, noticing that Maye wasn't passed out on the couch anymore, not seen anywhere in the living room. Crap, Peter thought, Need to get out of here before she asks were I'm going. He picked up his pace as he walked towards the front door. Before he could grasp his hand on the door nob, he heard a voice on the left side of him in the kitchen. He looked over to see Aunt Maye eating cake with a half bottle of beer beside her. 

"Now where exactly do you think you're going?" She said, staring into Peter's soul. Her brown eyes piercing his guts.

"I-I left something important at school. Homework. Lot's of homework. Yep." he said nervously tapping his foot, tensing up.

"Why so much, I thought you were getting good greats, unfortunately..." she mumbled.

"Extra credit! Sooo much extra credit!" He lied through his teeth. Aunt Maye stared at him for a good ten seconds before saying "Okay, shit-head, be back soon or I'll bash your head in. You don't want a repeat of last time, do you kid?" she said grasping her spoon harder.

"No, Aunt Maye..." Peter said, more nervous than before. He grabbed the door nob and slowly walked out the door, closed it, and bolted it down the stairs of the apartment and out on to the street.

Peter, while walking to Ned's house, stopped by his favorite Deli as he grabbed some of his money from his stash in his pillowcase. He walked in, hearing the ring of the bell above the glass door. He got two sandwiches for him and Ned, as he figured they should eat something other than Doritos and Snickers all night. As he was about to go up to the checkout, he overheard The Local News on a small television in the corner of the Deli.

"Tony Stark, or The Avenger Iron Man," the reporter said, "had just made it public that him and his girlfriend, or fiancé,  Pepper Pott's, will be getting married shortly after this month. Our interviewer Justin Jones said that Tony stated "If I hadn't been kidnapped during the military weapons presentation, I wouldn't have done a lot of things, including growing feelings for my former assistant Pepper Potts. I guess being traumatized and fighting a former friend slash business partner inside of my own creation made my life 3000 percent better because I get to marry the love of my life due to the outcome, and event's leading up to it."

Peter had always wanted to be an avenger ever since he was ten, and up until a couple of months ago, he thought he had a chance. He had tried a couple of times to contact all of the members at least once, but based on his situation and how long it's been without a response, he figured he wasn't even considered. He thought he'd had a chance, but he doubted himself.

He checked out and hit the streets once more, having to walk just a few more minutes until he got there. He reached Ned's house, but before he could enter he got a call on his cell phone. It was from Maye. His palms became sweaty as he answered it.

"Aunt Maye?" He said, voice cracking a bit.

"You'd better spend your sweet time wherever you are because it's going to be hell when you come home." She said, angerly.

"W-what do you-"

"I found you're homework dumped on your bed when I went in you're room. I thought something was off you lying shit. Come back tomorrow, and don't you dare make a repeat of that time you called the Police." She hung up on Peter, him sweating and heart pounding. 

He took a few minutes to cool off. He then ringed the doorbell and Ned let him in. Ned said excitedly "Dude, you made it! Late though, by fifteen minutes."

"I, uh, got this." Peter handed him a bag that smelled like fresh bread, meat, and lettuce.

"It's because you got us sandwiches? Thanks, man! We're going to have a blast, we can put on a movie and start building if you want. Howz'about it?"

Peter cracked a smile, "Sounds good, bud."

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