Suprise Mission

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Peter woke up the next day to the sound of the bird's chirping outside his window. He stretched and went to walk out of his room, stepping on a piece of paper in front of his doorway. He picked it up and read it. 

Landlord want's to evict again,

I'm going to discuss business with him.

Go to school.

Peter had seen this note multiple times. Aunt Maye had been threatened to get evicted multiple times this year, and she would "go do business" with him to give her more time to pay rent. Maye had written a note once, and had been reusing it every time she had to go talk with the landlord.

Despite Maye being an absolute hag in personality, she was actually pretty for her age. Unfortunately, she would use her looks to manipulate people into doing what she wants, even if in exchange she had to do something wrong or illegal.

In this case, however, Peter would always be happy when Maye had to do this. She's usually out of the house for the entire day, so it was like heaven to Peter. He excitedly took a shower, put clothes on, and went to school.

The school wasn't that interesting that day. A few kids gave Peter a high five for putting Flash in his place, and Flash kept his distance from Peter. He and Ned walked home from school, eventually splitting up to go to there own houses. 

Peter had unlocked the door and walked inside. It didn't seem like Maye was home, but he felt like he wasn't alone. He causally set his backpack down and peeked behind the front door where the kitchen would be. He, in surprise, saw a familiar face snacking on chocolate cake.

"Geez, finally," he said, mouth full of cake, "you cannot believe how much I waited here. Hope you don't mind, but I got a slice of cake from the fridge. Did NOT want to go all the way home for a snack, I'll tell you that."

"M-Mr. Stark?" Peter said, shocked, "What are you doing here? Don't you have villains to stop or something?"

"Today's a free day," Tony replied, wiping his face with a napkin, "thought it would be a good opportunity to help you out on this hero thing. Thought you did pretty good while fighting Captain America, but you need some work."

"So... you're here to train me?" Peter said, confused more than ever. 

"Yea, you could put it that way. I wanted to put you up against something small, but a bit challenging," he said, throwing away his paper plate.

"Wait, you're going to throw me at some random bad guy and see how I do? Are you sure you're training me, Mr. Stark? Just sounds like this is a test."

"Trust me, kid. I'll give you some pointers on the way. I'm also doing this because this guy isn't really an Avenger's level threat, but you could handle it."

"Okay, but where are we going?"

"There's no reason to know kid, it's close enough. I'll be there for back-up and pointer's and you'll be there to show me what you can do. No pressure."

Yea, Peter thought, no pressure here. "So, who am I fighting against?" Peter asked.

"The guy's name is Hugo Turner. I assume when some of the guys put some of our gadgets into a storage unit, the guy broke in and stole some junk. Nothing important, but he constructed the resources into two gauntlet looking things. Been robbing a few banks and gas stations with them, a complete waste of a weapon, I'd say." 

"This doesn't sound super low-key. Are you sure this isn't an Avenger's level threat?" Peter asked, a bit concerned about what he was getting into.

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