Weapon Dealer's

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A/N Sorry I was gone for a bit, but I'm back now! I was gone because of school work (almost the end of the year, yes!) and I've also been reading Irondad story's and one-shot's for inspiration about how characters like to be portrayed in the superfamily hashtag. Thank you to WandaMaximoff24spideyman384, and vixiegloom for making me cry and fan-girl over you're amazing story's, and I hope mine can be as popular as you' rs one day! Anyway', I'm done talking, so get back to reading you heathens!

Peter got up from his bed, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes. He got up, took a shower, brush his teeth, threw his backpack over his shoulder's, and left his house not checking twice if Aunt Maye was home yet. He woke up in a good mood and didn't want his spirit's to be immediately crushed by his guardian. 

He jogged to school, eventually finding Ned on his way there. The two talked about the awesome weekend they had together with MJ, and Peter was expectedly bombarded with questions about his job.

"I still can't believe you're him!" Ned said excitedly, trying not to catch the attention of the kid's walking across the street, "Do you, like, now the Avenger's?"

"I haven't met some of them, but if I had to say, I mostly hang out with Tony. Well... mostly is an exaggeration but-"

"You hang out with Tony Stark?!" Ned squealed. Some girl's looked at them weird, so Ned repeated again, quietly, "You hang out with Tony Stark?"

"Yeah. Beside's that one mission I did with him the other day, I only ever went on one "mission" with him. It was actually the first time we met." Peter told Ned how Tony had recruited him to help out in the so-called "Civil War". He told Ned how when Tony called him, he took Captain America's shield and helped fight with Tony. It was a bit weird to explain to Ned who they were fighting exactly, though.

The rest of the day was pretty normal teen stuff, MJ, Ned, and Peter talked about star war's related thing's, MJ butting in to say something snarky about how nerdy they were. When school ended, Peter and Ned shared their secret handshake, whilst Peter fist bumped MJ, and the arachnid sprinted off to the school's exit. He looked to see if anyone was around and jumped the ten-foot tall wired fence blocking him off from a short-cut. It wasn't hard for him to do, and whenever he does it, it fills him with a rush of energy, like he was invincible.

He decided that he should head home as soon as possible, making him skip out on patrolling the city for today. Peter was walking home, giving his leg's a break from the morning. His walk wasn't anything out of the ordinary until the hair's on the back of his neck stood up. His Spidey-sense was going off the radar. He tried to pinpoint where he was sensing danger, walking forward and crouching behind a bush. 

He peaked out from the bush, his vision being slightly cut off by the leaves. He could see enough, however, to notice two figures loading a van with weapons, ones like Peter had never seen before. He didn't have time to slip on his suit right then and there to ask Karen (his suit A.I) what they were saying. Fortunately for him, he could just make out most of there conversation.

"That's the last of them. Let's..." the mumbling was hard to understand "out of here. We don't... people to notice." 

"Fine, let's just... to the seller."

The two men closed the back of the van and hopped into the driver seat's, starting up the vehicle. As they were pulling out of the parking area, Peter quickly shuffles through his backpack, pulling out a tracking-device gadget. He threw it at the van as it was turning the corner, just being able to latch onto its surface, lighting up a red light. Peter didn't hesitate to follow the crooks and got into an old ally way to change into his suit.

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