Final Destination

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A/N If you are triggered by anything mentioned in the description, I advise that you should skip a few chapters or read another fan-fiction. Thanks, hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

EDIT: If you're re-reading this chapter, you might notice I changed some things. This is just for convenience in later chapter's, so don't get mad at me.

Peter eventually reached shore with the help of the rescue boats so he wouldn't have to swim. He slowly climbed on top of a building, sitting on the edge. He took off his mask so he could feel the cool evening breeze graze his red and sweaty face. He looked down at the mask, studying it and fidgeting it in his hands.

Did I really make thing's worse? I'm supposed to be this city's hero, but... I caused everyone trouble by overprotecting it. I could have killed innocent people, all because I didn't listen.

Peter was lost in his thoughts, eye's getting foggy from tears. He held them back, though they were demanding. He felt breeze thump against his back, hearing jet's coming from behind him. He heard his mentor spoke with a grimace from behind him, not turning around to look him in the eye.

"What did I say about those guy's?" Tony spoke, not lifting his faceplate.

"...Is everyone okay?" Peter asked, voice cracking with guilt. A slite silence grew between them.

"No thanks to you," Tony replied.

"No thanks to me?!" Peter started, turning around and standing up to face the hovering hunk of metal, "I tried to stop them, I tried to warn you about the danger they can cause but you didn't listen! If you listened, you'd actually be here. You wouldn't send a bogey suit, you'd-" Peter was cut off by the very much real Tony, opening his suit and stepping out of it to face the teen. Peter stumbled back a bit, not breaking eye contact.

"I did listen, kid, why do you think I called you? I tried to see if you'd gotten yourself mixed up in this again, and you did! The worst part is, you lied to me. Peter, what if I wasn't there to help, huh? That's right, all of those tourists would drown! And you would have had the same fate, you can't swing on the water!" Tony stepped a bit closer, causing Peter to back up slightly. He waved his hand's in the air angerly.

"I-" Peter stuttered, "I just wanted to help... I wanted to be like the Avenger's, I wanted to be like you... And I thought that if I-" 

"That if you what?" Tony's voice raised a little, "you thought that if you-you didn't follow my orders and almost got people killed you'd suddenly be a hero?!"

"W-" Peter's hands trembled a bit, "I-I am a hero-"

"No! You're like all of the other neighborhood crime-fighters. You are a cop with power's, you are a neighborhood watchman. You aren't a superhero!" Tony's voice cracked a bit. He knew he was being extremely harsh to the boy, but he was scared straight. Peter had never taken on any big bad guy's before, and just when he got the chance he almost killed himself. The billionaire was scared for his safety but knew that a regular conversation wouldn't make him go back to just patrolling the city. I have to be harsh on him, Tony thought, tough love.

Peter choked back tear's and his voice got shaky, "I just- I just wanted to b-be like you, Mr. Stark! I've looked up to you ever s-since I've first seen you, ever since I met you, ever since I did a mission with you. And you're telling me I-I'm not a hero?" 

"You're a glorified cop, at best." Tony's voice kept cracking, he felt like he had a knot in the back of his throat. It killed him to say these thing's, but he believed it would keep Peter on the ground.

"W-why would you say s-something like that... I... you were my mentor... I looked up to you..." Peter let a tear drip down his hot face, and he looked down at his feet, " w-were like a
the f-father figure to m-me..." Peter finished his sentence, gritting his teeth and clenching his shaking fist's.

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