Weekend Relief

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Peter was having the time of his life at Ned's house. He didn't get that many chances to sleep over, so he considered it a rare event. He had spent the first hour and a half watching "Pet Semetary" for the first time with Ned.

"Geez," Peter said, covered in blankets with pounds of food surrounding him, "I could understand wanting to bring your cat back to life, but even after it acting differently he thought it was a good idea to bring his son back from the dead?"

"Well, ya." Ned replied, "Don't you think Maye would do that? I mean, you're not her son, but she'd be heartbroken!" 

"Yea..." Peter paused for a minute. "But the cat- it's an asshole now! Wouldn't you use you're head and think 'hey, maybe I shouldn't keep my son alive at the cost of him being evil'?"

Ned chuckled, "Yea, I guess an evil cat is overruled by an evil son. But hey, at least there is more plot. Otherwise, the ending would just be 'the cat is evil and now you have a dead son, the end'."

"Yea," Peter laughed, "More plot holes than holes dug to bury his dead son."

After finishing their movie, and eating three-quarters of there snacks, Peter and Ned started to build the AT-AT Walker. It was starting to get late, but the boys were planning on staying up later than 12:00. Peter didn't want to waste his time sleeping.

"So," Ned started to say, "anything interesting happen? Any rumors or anything interesting happen this week? I heard that Zach Cartman, that kid from our science class, kissed Chloey Morgans-"

"Nah," interrupted Peter, "I heard about that and asked Chloey, she said no. Many, many times." Peter looked down at the instruction manual he and Ned were sharing, "I overheard on the news at the Deli that Tony and his girlfriend Pepper are getting married later this month."

"Really?" Ned said surprised, "That's cool! I always thought Iron Man was cool, but so is hulk. Which Avenger is you're favorite?"

Peter laughed. They sounded like every girl at there school, picking favorites and fangirling about them 20/47. "I dunno," Peter said lying, "Iron man was always my hero when I was younger. There all cool though."

Peter remembered when he first met Tony Stark. It was during when the Avengers where in a tough spot, having to take notice of how much damage can happen to cities when fighting bad guys. Apparently, Captain America didn't want to soften up to government officials, some stuff happened with him and some other dude, and a war was about to break loose with the Avengers. 

Tony had apparently seen YouTube video's of some of Peter's hero victory's and somehow found out it was Peter's doing. He went to his house (Aunt Maye was gone that day) and asked him to help him out, not wanting to use weapons to prevent more city damage. So Peter joined him in the short but long fought battle. Peter never saw the outcome himself, though. He got injured and Stark sent him home. Probably a good call then, but he felt really important that day.

Now he feels scared. He wants to stay with Ned as much as he can before he had to inevitably walked back to his apartment and face a living nightmare. He knew that no matter what he wanted to do, stay at Ned's for more than one night or go back, he knew Maye would eat him alive. Peter kept going down the rabbit hole that was his mind until he heard a voice, breaking him out of the loop.

"Peter, you okay? You were drifting off a bit, maybe you should get some rest, we'll finish this tomorrow-"

"No!" Peter interrupted Ned, "I mean, no. I'm fine, Ned. I'm not that tired!" Peter said, holding back a yawn, "See? Fine!"

"It's fine Peter, it's already like 11:00, we don't have to stay up that late if you're going to pass out on me." Ned said, a bit concerned about his friend.

"Ned I'm *Yawn* fine! I promise-" Peter said, starting to drift off.

"Hey! Peter you sure you're okay?" Ned said shaking his shoulder's. Peter isn't used to being this comfortable. He and Ned were sitting on an air mattress in the living room. Soft blankets cradled him like a baby, and the heater in the room made it even harder to stay awake.

"Ned," Peter started to say, "If I drift off, please wake me up. I won't be mad, okay? I just- wanna hang out more, ya know?"

Ned sighed, "Okay Peter, but don't ask me why I woke you up and be mad about it."

The boy's sat in the living room a bit longer, Peter starting to drift off more and more to sleep. Eventually, Peter made the mistake of laying his head on a pillow. He crashed hard then and there, snoring loudly. Ned looked at him worried. Peter looked like he hadn't had any good sleep in day's, Ned thought, I should really let him sleep. Ned threw some more blankets over Peter and went to his room to sleep as well.

 The boy's dreamt longingly until noon. Then suddenly Peter's phone started to buzz and ring like mad.

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