Meet and Greet

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A/N In this fan-fiction, the whole Civil War disagreement didn't end up with the Avengers splitting up and some being considered fugitives. Just to clear that up :)

EDIT: If you're re-reading this chapter, you might notice I changed some things. This is just for convenience in later chapter's, so don't get mad at me.

Peter woke up, not remembering the room he was sleeping in for a second or two. He rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes and examined the room. He then remembered that he slept over at the tower for the night. His stomach ached as he remembered what he tried to do, but he was mostly afraid if Tony told anyone. He didn't want anyone thinking he was irrational or weak, pathetic no-good superhero. He is supposed to be strong. He can't let anyone see him differently.

He sighed, getting up and scavenging through the guest clothes in the nearby drawer. After he found something tolerable, and not hello kitty pajama pants he found in the upper drawer, he took a shower and got dressed. He had on a plain white button-up long sleeve shirt, with a blue sweater over it, along with some jeans. 

He groggily made his way through the confusing hallway trying to find the elevator. He eventually found it, and confusingly looked through the option of many buttons for many floors. He noticed a piece of paper taped above it, listing which button brought you to which floor. He skimmed through it, eventually finding the main room. He thought that would be his best guess to find somebody, or Mr. Stark, not yet wanting to intrude into his private lab. He waited a few ticks, eventually hearing the elevator chime, opening its doors revealing the big, spacious living-room-esk area.

He slowly walked forward, peering the corner to see two figures in the white kitchen. One, whom he later recognized as Tony, sat on a stool near the counter sipping coffee and reading a magazine. The other one he couldn't really recognize was in the kitchen cooking of the stove, an apron around there waist. Peter casually stepped towards the kitchen, alerting Tony he was awake. He set down his magazine and turned to him, looking slightly tired, but cheery. 

"Hey, kiddo," Tony chuckled, noticing Peters wet yet matted hair, "sleep well?" 

Peter rubbed his head, sitting next to Tony on another stool. "Yeah," he yawned, "I had a few nightmares though. They weren't too bad, though, I didn't wake up screaming." Peter said. He wasn't lying either, he has had way worse nightmares when he was living with Maye, which is saying something considering what had happened last night. 

"Yeah," a familiar voice said, not turning away from cooking, "nightmares aren't that fun. But that's why you have late-night snacks. Perfect therapy." The figure turned around, putting a hand on his hip and chuckling. Peter's eyes grew wide, as he sat up straight and in amazement.

"Y-you're Steve Roger's, Captain America, Avenger!" Peter said, trying his best to hide all of his excitement, but due to Steve chuckling more, he figured he didn't do a good job of doing so.

"The one and only!" He said, holding his hand out for a shake. Peter gladly accepted, holding a firm grip.

"H-hi! I'm Peter, Peter Parker!" The boy said in excitement.

"Strong one, ain't he Tony?" Steve said, turning back around to finish whatever he was cooking for breakfast. 

"Yeah," Tony replied, "he stole your shield a while ago-" Tony stopped himself, looking at Peter. He didn't seem to mind that Tony told cap he was Spider-man, so he just went with it. 

"That was you?" Steve asked, turning his head back at Peter, "Pretty good job you did there, kid!" 

"T-thanks, Mr. Rogers! I'm trying to keep my identity a secret, but it's fine if the Avenger's know, you guys are awesome!" Peter said, confirming Tony the teen was fine with him telling Steve about his alter ego.

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