19. Empty

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❝  empty ❞

A few blinks, but he was still there with his right hand waiting for the shake. "I-I'm Song Jihyun, " Jihyun shook her hand with his. It brought back some memories, but she shrugged off. "I hope you have a great night, " Jungkook bowed at her and walked away.

"You too, " she closed the door and processed in her brain about what just happened. "What was that?" she asked herself. "Is it really him?" she opened the door slightly to check on him, but he was already gone.

And she stood there watching at his door thinking if he was the same person. Yes, he was the same person. But what was he doing here? "And chocolates?" she looked at the chocolates that he handed her. "Is this safe?" she asked herself.

The door next to her suddenly opened, leaving her in no time. "It is safe, " Jungkook grabbed one and ate it in front of her. "Thank you, " Jihyun said and was about to walk in when he stopped her.

"Excuse me, I just checked my kitchen and there is nothing to eat apart from some chocolates. I haven't eaten anything since the afternoon, but I don't want to go and eat some fast food, " he spoke nervously. "I'm sorry, but I don't let strangers in my place, " she apologized.

That brought a smirk on his face. "So I'm a stranger to you, doctor?" his cocky side was back. But the next moment he apologized, "I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll go and get some food nearby, " he bowed at her.

The next moment she regretted being rude like that and he seemed like he was really hungry. "Jungkook?" she stopped him. "I can change my mind," she said and a huge smile formed across his face. "Thank you, " he said and followed her inside to her kitchen.

There was nothing much left in her kitchen as well. "I shouldn't have stopped him. Now, this is embarrassing," she sighed and looked back at the one who sat there watching her.

Nervously, she walked back to him with an awkward smile. "I have already eaten outside and I don't really have anything as well, but I have some instant noodles. Or do you prefer to go and grab something else?" she asked, biting her lips nervously.

"I'm so hungry, so that will be okay, " he said with a slight smile. Jihyun smiled awkwardly and walked back to prepare noodles for him. Everything was so awkward between them.

Jungkook sat there, resting his head on the table and watched her the whole time

Not even a single glance did he got from her since she was too busy with her own work. "I missed you, " he whispered to himself.

The moment she turned around with the bowl, he looked away. "Here, " she placed it in front of him and he dug into it. Jihyun sat across him and made herself busy with her phone. Jungkook would glance at her in every few seconds only to see her smiling at her phone.

There he was done eating and cleared his throat. "Are you chatting with someone?" he asked and she simply nodded. "A guy?" he asked again. "Yes, " she replied and took the bowl away.

"Can I get your number?" he asked when she walked back and sat across him. "No, " she rejected. It reminded him of the first time when he asked for her number and how she gave him after making some excuses.

Finally, she placed her phone on the table. "As your former doctor, I'm happy to see that you have completely recovered, but why are you here?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. "I have some business here, " he said, biting his lips nervously. The nervousness was at the next level.

"And you thought you could play some of your tricks on the girl next door so that you can have a chance with her?" she asked and the latter was taken aback. He remained silent. "I think I should leave now, " he said and stood up.

"You didn't answer my question, " she simply said and shoved a piece of chocolate in her mouth and offered him another one which he rejected.

There he pulled out something from his pocket and placed it on the table. "I found this in your office. I wonder why do you have this, " he said, pointing at the polaroid. "Oh, this? A patient from the hospital gave me this saying that we two look good together, " she pulled the polaroid towards her.

In no time, the polaroid flew to the dustbin. "I must have forgotten to throw it away. I fixed it, " she said with a blank face. "But why would you go to my office when I wasn't even there?" she asked in an irritated voice. 

Instead of answering the question, he bowed at her and walked away.

"Thank you for the food."


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