18. Happy

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❝ happy ❞

The training session was over for today. Jihyun packed her belongings and walked out of the hall. Some footsteps could be heard behind her. "Are you running away?" a familiar voice asked. She turned around to spot Jaewoon.

"Jae, I don't feel like going-"

"You agreed earlier, so you can't reject in the last minute, " he frowned and pulled her towards the bunch of people. "Look how happy Samuel is to see you, " Jaewoon pointed at the birthday guy.

It had been a month since she moved here and she was finally getting along with the new place and people. It was hard for her to get along with her batch mates since most of them were a bit younger than her except for some who were around her age.

This was the first time she was hanging out with her new friends only because it was one of their birthdays.

Right now, she changed her mind of going but she got caught before running away, so she ended up following them.

There she stood behind other people and clapped along with them and having no idea what was going on. But she assumed that cake had already been cut. "Jihyun? Where is Jihyun?" Someone was suddenly calling her name?

"There she is, " and Jaewoon pulled her in front. "Samuel was looking for you, " those words made all of the crowd cheer loudly. Samuel nervously walked to her and fed her his birthday cake followed by cheered from the crowd again.

"LOOK, SAMUEL IS BLUSHING!" Someone commented from the crowd. Can you just not? It was only making Jihyun awkward until she finally sneaked out of the place.

In the mirror, she noticed the cake on the tip of her nose. "Where did this come from?" she cleaned it and walked to the terrace with no people. But how could someone let her be in peace? "Jihyun?" It came from Samuel. "Are you bored?" he walked to her and asked. "No, " she smiled nervously.

Soon enough, some noises could be heard from one door. Jihyun noticed that a few people were hiding and watching them. "I think someone is there, " she said, pointing in the direction.

"I-I'll check, " Samuel ran to them and shooed them away. He came back and sat beside her. "Those people are really eavesdropping like, " he said in an irritated voice. "One of them must be Jae, right?" I asked since it was obvious. "Of course, " he said and we both ended up laughing.

But soon we got for called for dinner, so we could not have any decent conversation.

The whole time she could feel glances coming from Samuel. It was awkward. This was the reason she decided to change his mind at the last minute, but this Jaewoom had to catch her.

Finally, it was time to leave and everyone started bidding goodbyes to each other. Jihyun noticed Samuel walking towards her. "Thank you for coming, " he thanked her and kissed her left cheek. It was normal for them but made Jihyun awkward.

Jihyun and Jaewoon took the same cab since they lived only a few blocks apart. "I think Samuel really likes you. Like he was so happy to have you here. And he always keeps on asking me about you, " Jaewoon said, scanning her expression.

"You know that I'm not interested, " Jihyun simply shrugged off.

"I understand that you encountered someone who played with your feelings in the past, but that doesn't mean everyone is the same. Like just look at me, " Jaewoon said, pointing at himself.

That made her burst out in a laugh and he laughed along with her. "But really you should think about it, " he tried to convince her but got ignored. The cab stopped when it reached its destination and they walked out of it.

"Goodnight, " Jae kissed her on the cheek and they parted the ways. "Goodnight, " Jihyun waved at him. She walked past a few more blocks.

There she finally reached the apartment building and walked inside. The elevator door was about to close when she ran and put a hand between the doors. Then the door opened only to encounter a couple making out in there.

Awkward. Jihyun walked in and stood there like a statue. The noises they were making behind him were really disturbing. It finally stopped on her floor and she walked out, followed by a heavy sigh.

Hurriedly, she walked to her place and threw her things there before going to wash up. It was a tiring day as usual. After that, she laid on the couch and called her parents. They had a video call for almost an hour until someone rang the doorbell.

"Both of you take care of yourself. Eat and sleep at the time. And lastly, don't forget to miss me. I'll call you tomorrow. Bye! " She hung up the call and ran to open the door.

There stood a guy in front of her door with something in his hand. "Hello, I just moved to the next door today and I was thinking of introducing myself to you, " the guy spoke and handed her some chocolates. "I landed here from South Korea this afternoon, " he said and pulled out his hand for a shake.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook."


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