13. Answer

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❝ answer ❞

AND another day in bed. Jungkook had been only in the bed since the day he was sent back home from the hospital. But even though he was in bed rest, he succeeded to complete the reports in time. No doubt he had become chubby in a few days.

Earlier, he got a call from the manager to remind him about the appointment with the doctor but he rejected like that day. And since that day he had been ignoring the calls and messages from Jihyun.

The surprising part was she never forgot to send messages in her free time but only to get ignored every time. Again, there was another message from her which was another reminder about the appointment.


His sister went to prepare food for him and one hour had already passed but the food still was not here. And yet another five minutes passed until the girl finally walked in with foods. "Did you burn the kitchen or what?" he asked and Junghee immediately shook her head.

Jungkook sighed. "You did, right?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "No no no, just a little food and I have already thrown away," she said nervously and placed his food there before walking our of the room.

Thank god, at least, the food she brought was not burnt like the other day. He was so hungry that he finished the food only in a few minutes. And he started feeling sleepy after his stomach was full.

Again, there was another reminder, only to have him annoyed. "Oppa, didn't you have an appointment today?" And it was her sister now. "I'm sure the scheduled time has already passed by now," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's so sad. You can't meet your doctor now," Junghee teased him and walked away only to have him roll his eyes on her. Then he tried to sleep but another message from Jihyun popped on his screen.

- why didn't you come?

And he ignored again.

Someone peeked into the room until that person walked in. "How are you?" the girl asked. "What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked with a straight face. She walked to him and ran her fingers against his cheeks. "I missed you," she said, biting her lips.

"I told you to not come to my home. Leave!" he demanded and slapped her hands away. "Is my Jungkookie mad at Noona?" she asked. Her hands already started massaging his thighs.

The latter gulped in nervousness since his hormones were slowly acting up. "You know my legs are broken, right?" he asked. "I know it has already healed," she smirked.

"Oh, so you know everything but you never come to visit me in the hospital?" Jungkook asked in disbelief. "I was out of the town," and that lie was so obvious.

"Get the hell out of my house, Liar."

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Jihyun got worried for him. It had been three days since Jungkook got discharged but there was no sign of him. And she was too busy to even find out if he was okay or not.

Once she even contacted his manager only to hear that Jungkook was doing okay but she was not feeling so good about it, so she finally decided to visit him and asked for his address from the hospital.

Then she drove to the address only to find herself in front of a huge mansion. There she was stopped by the security guards until a girl noticed him trying to convince the guards. "Dr. Song!" Junghee recognized her.

That was when the guards let her in. "Are you here to visit oppa?" Junghee asked and she nodded. The younger brought her to Jungkook's room left her in front of the door.

Jihyun knocked on the door and opened it only to find two people making out inside there until Jungkook pushed the girl away. There she stood frozen for a few seconds until she finally rushed out.

"I'll come to meet you later. My doctor is here to visit me," Jungkook and the girl rolled her eyes before walking out. "You can go inside," she said to Jihyun and walked away.

Hesitantly, Jihyun walked in with a straight face while the latter couldn't make eye contact with her. The doctor sat on the edge of the bed and did her duty, trying to forget the scene from earlier. "I have decreased the doses of your medicines," she said and gave him the prescription.

"Who was that–"

"Doctor, please forget whatever I told you that night. It was a lie," And those words broke her heart into pieces.

Her eyes started getting watering and she licked her dry lips but it became dry again. No idea why was she worried about this person that she even visited his house when she never visited any of her patient in their homes. For some reason, she thought those words he said were sincere.

"Take care," she said in a low voice and stood up from the bed. "Thank you, Jungkook." Those words from her left the latter in confusion. "I was here to give you my answer–" She laughed bitterly even though her tears were clearly visible by now.

"–as a yes," with that she dashed out of the room.

The moment she stepped out, she broke down. But she tried her best to not make her face seem messier until she got into her car. There let her emotions flow and cried her heart out.

On the other hand, Jungkook was shocked hearing her words about her answer. Never had he ever thought that she would actually say yes. And it was the very moment he realized what he did. This was not the first time someone cried because of him, but the fact that his heart ached when he noticed those tears in her eyes said it all, that she was not just another girl.

Then he walked to the bathroom, without using crutches, to wash his face but her face was the only image that kept on appearing in front of his eyes until he slowly started feeling the pain in his leg because of the sudden pressure. He grabbed his hair in frustration and punched the wall.

And a tear rolled down.


Dun dun dun... your thoughts?

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