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Warning: Angst. Self-Harm. If you cannot handle that please turn away now.

I'm sorry Taehyung is NOT in Part 1 of this chapter. I had to split this in two but he will have a big part in the next chapter. I know ya'll have been looking forward to his entrance.

If you want to read some TaeJin check out my  Omegaverse Fic 'Heartless'

A/N: This chapter is choppy and all over the place because it's bouncing from point of views and past/present tense. This is only part one and next part will be the chapter their childhood will finally come to an end. It will be clear for the most part what happened between Yoongi and Seokjin because this is the conflict that put a rift between the group that were once friends.

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.\~*❦ *~/.
Pain of betrayal
The memory of childhood
A glimpse of the past

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[ The Past ]
[ Namjoon ]

In 3rd year, Kim Namjoon attends public school for the very first time. Meeting his classmates was a nerve-wrecking ordeal to say the least. He was the only child of a very small and protective pack that had chosen to homeschool him for the earlier stages of his life. Namjoon had benefited greatly from the advanced home curriculum and developed into an intelligent well-spoken child with exceptional learning ability and a knack for leading.

In theory, such qualities were exemplary, but it all came to an expense of a socially inept child who didn't know how to interact with people under the age of thirty. Therefore, he'd been enrolled in public school to salvage and expand his social aptitude in hopes that he would be able to connect with children his own age.

Initially, the transition into public school had been a really difficult time for him and it took him awhile to adjust to all the new changes. At home, Namjoon was used to the one-on-one teachings of his private tutors and it took him unpleasantly by surprise that at school things were not the same. Namjoon learned that he was only one student in a crowd of many, a student whose voice would never be heard if he didn't make the effort to stand out.

This knowledge was something that left him feeling very self-conscious because he knows he's not like the rest of his classmates. Thus, Namjoon fades into the background; it had never occurred to him before then just how much his overprotected upbringing had affected him, until he was placed in a room full of joyful playful children enjoying their day and spending time with their friends when all he wanted to do was go home to discuss the theoretic with his tutors.

For this reason, most of Namjoon's time is spent on observing the rest of his peers. In his class there's one particular kid Namjoon tends to observe the most; his name is Kim Seokjin, and he's the prettiest boy Namjoon has ever seen. There's just something about the boy that makes him an interesting specimen to observe.

Maybe it because the boy is everything Namjoon is not; extroverted, loud, radiant, pale, petite, and pretty. Seokjin is fascinating in Namjoon's eyes and he can't help but want to be the other's friend. It's dispiriting for Namjoon; why would the pretty boy want to be his friend when he already had so many of their peers already surrounding him?

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