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Five years ago, awkward late bloomer Kim Seokjin was both overweight and unpresented. An unfortunate combination that lead to him being ostracized by his peers and tormented by the ones he once called friends. Five years later and all is antithetic, for Seokjin's at the top of the world; He's the bully now. Feeling nothing but resentment towards those who harmed him, he sets out on a twisted scheme to ruin the perfect little lives of his ex-tormenters.

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By the time 6th year comes to an end, Kim Seokjin can no longer remain in denial over his worst fear becoming reality.

The alteration in dynamic between best friends had been festering year-round, and Seokjin could no longer pretend that everything was all right. If Seokjin's being honest, he'd saw it coming ever since the start of the year when popularity had found Jimin. The recognition after years of being overlooked had consumed Jimin to the point where he'd do anything to stay at the top; even if it meant ditching the sole person who'd been by his side since the very beginning.

Deep down, a part of Seokjin understood, but despite this, nothing could have prepared Seokjin for the ultimate betrayal of Park Jimin leaving him behind without a second glance. The blow feeling ten times worse than the one caused by Jung Hoseok when he'd severed ties with the both of them years prior.

To make matters worse, Jimin had left him for Hoseok; essentially joining the very group that had made both their lives difficult before Jimin's presentation.

The knowledge angers Seokjin to no end, because he cannot comprehend how Jimin would even think of befriending those who had spent years pointing out his faults and feeding into his insecurities. Seokjin had been the one to witness firsthand how affected Jimin had become due to the endless teasing over his weight, height, and appearance.

It's this that fuels his anger, for the truth is that he's not mad at Jimin, but for Jimin.

In the end, his heart aches, but not for himself;

For even now, He only thinks of Jimin's happiness.

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"Are you alright Seokjin?" The head alpha questions one morning mid-summer, when he comes into the kitchen to see the boy staring down at the breakfast that had been prepared by the boy's mother before she'd left for work.

The change he'd notice in the boy was something he'd wanted to address. However, he'd been caught up with pack affairs and his duties as head alpha. It wasn't until the previous night when the boy had excused himself early from dinner that his previous concern had arisen.

The previous evening had been a special occasion, all the members gathering for a feast to commemorate important events and accomplishments; birthdays, promotions, graduations, anniversaries, etcetera.

The children and the young normally enjoying themselves immensely during this time but he had noticed the boy's withdrawnness towards the end of the night, seeing as how the boy had not joined in the games that the youngest members of their pack participated in.

"I'm fine Head Alpha." Seokjin answers quietly, lifting his head to give the alpha a weak smile. The change in expression hard to muster for it was becoming more difficult to pretend everything was okay.

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