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A/N: I was stuck on this chapter and couldn't get it to flow correctly, so it may seem pretty choppy. It shouldn't be too difficult to follow and if you find yourself confused about anything fill free to ask away. I will answer if I can.




From the start, he'd never intended to break the bonds of friendship.


For it's in his blood to ruin any good that comes his way.

In the end,

Is he to blame?

Should the immaturity of adolescence be held against him forever?

At this point, he's becoming immune to those who'd pass judgement; for it's a struggle to overcome an all-consuming grudge.

- Part 1

.\~*❦ *~/. 

| Seokjin |

It's morning when Kim Seokjin finds himself at the end of the countdown. Never having flown before, he's on the verge of hyperventilating as nothing could have prepared Seokjin for the jarring of turbulence as he squeezes his mother's hand for the majority of the terrifying incline as if it were a lifeline. The sick feeling in the pit of his stomach and the uncomfortable popping within his ears settling somewhat as the Airplane comes to a steady position in the air; a gasp resounding, lungs filling with much needed air, as clenched eyes open. Tension draining from the stiffness of his limbs as he finally relaxes into his seat when a familiar wave of comfort envelopes him.

The pheromones of his beta parents soothing him as they compel his senses and repress the apprehension until it's only a slight niggle in the depths of his mind. Seokjin releases his mother's hand with an exhale, and moves to pull out his device from his satchel; reoccupying the game of Mario-Kart he'd been entertaining himself with before takeoff. His gaze solely focusing on the screen of the handheld, his attention on resuming the game he'd paused as he plugs in his earphones and lets the surrounding noise drown out by the sounds of the game. The majority of the flight passes by like this until his eyes throb from the strain of looking at the screen for so long.

A yawn escapes his plump lips as he removes his earphones and wraps the cord around his device, returning it to the sleeve within his satchel. They had left very early that morning and the lack of a goodnights rest has him yawning consecutively, his eyes watering slightly with each one. Seokjin's eyelids begin to flutter heavily, the soft utterances of his parents conversating intimately with one another lulling to his ears, as he peers through the small window into the view of the clouds within the blue of the sky. Seokjin stares out the window for some time, lost in his thoughts as he contemplates the good and the bad in his life, all the moments that lead up to this exact one.

A tear treks its way down his chubby cheek as he thinks of Jimin; of their infancy as nestmates, to the early years of their childhood when it was innocence and playtime, to that moment when Seokjin had made a mistake and Hoseok had turned on him. At that time, he understood the reason, but he never thought something so small could be held against him for so long. Surely, whatever he caused, didn't make him deserving of everything that came after? Of being singled out, snubbed, until eventually escalating and being taunted on a day to day bases. It was during that time when Seokjin realized the extent of his feelings for Jimin as the younger held onto his hand and stayed by his side as he'd always done; the two of them together as always, forever, or so he naively thought.

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