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In the previous chapter, I changed a few wordings on Jimin's section at the end. His part may not seem all that important there but trust me it plays into the whole scheme of things later on.


Slight racial and handicap bigotry below. 

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'I learned a lot about being a friend when I was Alone.'

The easiest way to not get Hurt, is to not Care, but that's the Hardest thing to do.


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[ From Now On ]

A month had passed since Seokjin's transfer. It hadn't been very difficult for him to take up the new coursework as he settled into his classes. The boarding school appeared to have a stricter policy and tolerance for misbehavior or misconduct. The students were treated as if they were young adults entering college in regards to self-responsibility when it came to assignments and in-class behavior. The atmosphere of Seokjin's classrooms ranged from laidback to strict but the one thing each class had in common was that the actual teacher was in charge and not the class.


It was something he had quickly noted, a very different change from his classrooms back home where the majority of his teachers remained unbothered and undisturbed behind their desks as students did whatever they wanted to. It was a new change that he liked, for in the past, he had felt unimportant and unprotected beneath a teacher's uncaring gaze one too many times when he'd been ridiculed and mistreated in the middle of a classroom without them ever intervening.

To Seokjin, old habits were hard to shake off and he transitioned unassumingly amongst his new peers, keeping to himself with his head down low. To others, the new student was standoffish and appeared to be incommoded when interacting amongst them. Thus, they minded their business and went about their day. Nobody had the time to coax a friendship that clearly wasn't wanted. Those who had time, like one exuberant preteen, Kim Taehyung, to be exact, found it rather disheartening to have his offer of friendship disregarded time and time again. Despite being roommates, they hardly interacted aside from the necessary; hello's, goodbyes, and one-sided offers of candy, friendship, and conversation on part of the youngest boy.

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