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A/N:The chapter seems a little boring and rushed towards the end. 

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The weekend comes around and not everything is what it seems, 
As vexatious situations bring about new revelations.

The morning is chaotic as usual within the pack home and with so many living in the same house privacy can be difficult to come by. For this reason, Seokjin doesn't even blink when the bathroom door slams open and one of the younger children comes storming in to use the toilet. Seokjin rolls his eyes, continuing to brush his teeth as the boy quickly tugs his tighty-whities down and clumsily aims for the bowl just in the nick of time. 

The door is left wide open and others see their way in, some joining Seokjin at the sink to brush their teeth and comb their hair, while others shower quickly in pairs. Seokjin's finishing up his skin-care routine when Jimin comes to stand beside him with his tooth brush in hand. There's an uncomfortable silence that lingers between them, and when their eyes meet in the reflection of the mirror the chaos around them seems to fade as they hold gazes for what seems forever.

The eye-contact is broken by Seokjin who averts his gaze, zipping up his toiletry bag, as he steps around the shorter and maneuverers through the others to make his way into the hallway, heading for his bedroom. The doorknob is almost in in his grasp when Jimin rounds the corner and calls out to him before he can hide himself away.  

"Seokjin, can we talk?" The younger starts hesitantly, not knowing how to proceed when the older neither spares him a glance or response. Still, he continues in his attempt to speak with the other. Jimin's well known sentimentality factors in, as he apologizes for something that has been weighing on him for  sometime.  "I'm sorry for lashing out at you, I was upset." 

The silence that settles is heavy, and Seokjin never glances away from the finished wood of his bedroom door as the seconds pass by before he musters a response. "It's whatever, I already know how you feel." He says distantly, before opening his door and stepping forward to leave this unwanted discourse behind. 

"Hyung, please just talk to me." Jimin pleads, moving to follow him, for this is the nth time he's attempted to reach out to older and failed miserably. Its pointless, for the door slams shut in his face regardless of the split-second of wavering in the older stance, before he leaves him alone in the hallway.

  "Let me explain..."  Jimin trails off hollowly, voice cracking with emotion as he lifts his hand towards the doorknob only for it to drop back to his side a second later. Tears are blinked away as he turns away and makes his way to his own room, all the while wondering whether or not he should just give up until the other decides to come around, because feeling like this hurts too much. 

From his position against the door, he listens to receding footsteps of the younger, his heart clenching uncomfortably as he represses the part of him that wants to reach out and comfort. Within the four walls that surround him, Seokjin welcomes the self-induce numbness, for this is the only way he can make his feeling for Jimin hurt less. 

.\~*❦ *~/. 

Here, a truth reveals, for there will always be another recounting of a story.

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