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A 'bump' sound was made as she kicked open the door to her apartment and the door slammed on the wall behind it-most likely making a dent but the landlord didn't need to know that-she trudged into the kitchen, not even bothering to check she had locked the door behind her; she began pulling off her clothes and entering the bathroom.

Of course it would have been a lot more polite if she had gone straight to the boys' place after work and greeted her stepbrother who had just come all the way from America to visit her, not forgetting to thank the boys for being such cool dudes for letting Liam along with his unknown friend stay at their house and picking them up from the airport when she was unable to.

She honestly didn't know what she would do without the boys, she would probably still be a loner working at the bakery with her most likely gay co-worker as her only friend, of course she didn't mind that sort of life, but she just really loved the boys.

Twisting the shower knob, the water began to pour out of the shower head. Elodie never got to enjoy the comfort and warmth of a hot shower because she just couldn't afford it, sure there were compromises to her money shortage, and for example, moving into a cheaper neighbourhood, but her parents wouldn't allow that. See they weren't exactly happy that Elodie had just dropped everything (including a scholarship to Harvard,) with no explanation-in her defence she did have a good reason-but they did let her move to Sydney to peruse her dreams, on one condition. That she live in the neighbourhood that her parents had chosen for her.

As a result of that, her parents chose a pricy ass house in a pricy ass neighbourhood that she could barely pay for.

The icy cold water brought her straight out of her tired state even though it was eleven at night and she realised that having a shower wasn't really the best idea since she now would not be able to fall asleep and would most likely spend the night watching reruns of Gossip Girl while crying about chuck and Blair with a tub of ice cream in her hands and a box of tissues on her lap, instead of getting the rest she needed so she could go see Liam first thing in the morning.

Seven minutes passed and she stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her naked body and twisting another one round her hair. She walked passed the mirror, then realising that she had kept her makeup on while in the shower and she now looked like a panda.

Groaning, she crouched down on the bathroom floor to look for her makeup wipes before remembering that she had left them in the kitchen when she used them to clean up some noodles she had spilled when she had run out of kitchen towel.

She slipped into her tiny kitchen with her towel pressed tightly against her chest. She noticed a strong smell of cologne, she would have usually ignored it, but this smell was too strong and Elodie didn't fucking wear cologne.


Her heart stopped at the sound of her name being said and she fell back, almost dropping her towel in the process. Her breathing was heavy and she panicked, she hadn't turned on the lights when she came in so she couldn't take in the features of the person who was standing in front of her.

This is what you get for not fucking locking the door, she thought to herself. She wasn't ready to die, she still had things she wanted to do, foods to eat, books to read, TV shows to watch. And that night she also realised that she was a lot sadder than she thought.

"Please don't kill me!" she cried out in surrender, covering her face with the hand she wasn't using to hold the towel, "American Horror Story Freak Show starts next week and I can't miss it!"

The figure chuckled slightly and shuffled over to the light switch located on the side of the wall and quickly flicked it on, surprisingly, Elodie's heartbeat increased when she saw who it was,

"Ashton," she breathed.

He nodded in response and walked over to her, offering her a hand as she clutched the towel to her chest tighter than before, and pulling her off of the cold tiles. For a spit second, she was a mere inch away from his lips, but he quickly stepped back before she could do anything.

"God El, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that," he gushed, running his hands over his face, "Harry just came over to the house with your phone-said you'd left it at the Bakery-and he was wondering if you were there so he could give it to you, since you know, your brother is there and all. So I said no but I said I'd bring it to you since he looked tired and I came to the door and it was open and here you are like half nak-"

"Woah, Ash it's totally okay, I'm just glad you're not here to murder me." She laughed, trying to cover up the fact that she was extremely nervous because she was standing in front of this really hot guy that she really liked in a towel while her smudged makeup made her look like a panda.

He breathed out in relief and smiled, "Well, your stepbrother and his friend are okay, sleeping as we speak, but you can come over tomorrow to come visit whenever."

Elodie nodded, she was so happy that she had friends that she could rely on when she needed any help at all, "I'll come over at like t-shit." She groaned, faceplaming, before wincing slightly at the impact.

"What?" he asked her, tilting his head in confusion.

"I have work again tomorrow until six, I'll be round there by six thirty if that's okay?" she told him, biting her lip.

"It's your birthday tomorrow, isn't it?" he questioned. That reminded her, she had almost forgotten, see, she didn't really care much for birthdays, she thought of them as a waste of time and money. Not to mention everyone always forgot about hers.

"Yeah." She muttered carelessly.

A wide grin spread across his face and he looked down at the floor in attempt to hide it, but Elodie had already noticed.

"Perfect, see you tomorrow El," he said cheerfully as he began skipping to the door.

She cleared her throat, "Ashton, are you forgetting something?"

He stopped in his tracked and turned around, scanning the room before looking at Elodie for clues, "don't think so?" he said, more like a question than an answer.

She gestured down to his hand that was in fact grasping he phone. He rushed over to her, placing the phone in the palm of her hand, muttering a quick 'sorry' before pressing a quick kiss to her cheek and rushing out if the house

Elodie was glad he had gone, because she had never blushed so much in her life.


Yay cute moment.

Chapter twenty! Woo this is a milestone guys #celebrate.

I hope you're all having a wonderful day and I love you all!

-Ronnie xx

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