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Elodie stood behind the marble counter in the small bakery where she worked, counting the hours until she could go home to her simple beachside house, curl up in a ball on her broken couch and watch pretty little liars for the rest of the evening.

She couldn't help but sigh, her life wasn't really turning out the way she had hoped, I mean, dropping out of law school and hopping on a plane to Sydney Australia wasn't exactly planned, but she had always loved the idea of Australia, not to mention the cute Aussie boys that would come into the bakery every once in a while.

"Elodie!" She heard her boss yell, her boss was a sweet old lady that treated her like her own granddaughter, always offering her free cakes from the bakery, yet there was a slight problem.

Elodie was not a fan of cake.


There was no particular reason why Elodie didn't like the delicious comfort food, she just simply didn't like it and there was nothing wrong with that.



But it wasn't just the fact that Elodie didn't like cake to eat, she made the most amazing cakes you could dream of! Any type of cake she made turned out perfectly the taste would be savoured by many and people came from all over Sydney for a single slice of it.

She was just amazing at baking, no one really knew how, she didn't eat the cake to even test if it was made properly, yet every time it was.

Her boss- Bertha- scurried into the room with a tray of Elodie's cupcakes that had just come out of the oven and were ready for decorating.

"I'm just going to decorate these cupcakes okay? You'll be alright out here won't you darling?" The old woman smiled sweetly and the petite girl wearing a baby blue apron and dashes of flour on her cheeks.

"I'll be fine Bertha." Elodie insisted shooing the plump lady back into the baking room, Elodie couldn't really blame Bertha for being a little but worried about Elodie handling the shop area on her own; she had never made a sale when Bertha was not in the room. But now since Harry, Bertha's other employee- was back in England for the week, Bertha and Elodie were forced to handle the little bakery themselves.

When Bertha was finally in the back, decorating the cupcakes Elodie sighed, it had been a very long week.

Every day this week, including early this morning, a rather attractive purple haired boy had been entering the bakery ordering dozens of pastries, donuts and cupcakes. She really hoped he wasn't eating all those by himself because he was going to get awfully chubby if he was.

The boy wouldn't stop trying to make conversation with Elodie, telling her about his band and how they played gigs and that she should attend some time. Elodie wasn't much of a concert person, she hated loud noises and too many people. She rather adored her simple beachside house only a mere three blocks from the bakery, after all she believed in simplicity as simplicity is beautiful.

As the perky girl pondered at the counter, the bell suddenly chimed- indicating that someone had entered the bakery.

Elodie looked up and put on a fake smile, she really wanted to go home.

There before her was a very attractive curly haired boy with beautiful hazel eyes and a bandana wrapped around his head. She couldn't help but admire his defined jawline and his adorable dimples that she just really wanted to poke.

"H-hi." She managed to squeak out.

The boy directed his attention to Elodie, she suddenly felt extremely self conscious and began to fiddle with the blonde ends of her hair, which was tired up in a half pony tail.

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