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The box of hair dye sat on the kitchen staring at her with menacing eyes. The face of the model on the box was freaky as hell, would she look that freaky with blue hair?

Elodie had been contemplating whether she should dye her hair blue or not. She really liked her blonde tips, but she felt like she was in need of a change.

Michael was also telling her that they would look so cute together if they both had dyed hair even though Elodie actually thought they would look a little bit weird walking around together with blue and purple hair, but she just smiled, agreed and kept her opinion to herself.

She thought about for a minute, before then deciding to call the only person she could trust with this.

She stood up from her stool in the kitchen and pushed the door to her room, rushing to her closet where she kept her laptop.

Once she had retrieved it successfully, she padded back to the kitchen, sitting down in her original seat and clicking on the Skype icon displayed on the desktop.

After scrolling through her one-hundred and seventy-two contacts and not finding the person she was looking for, she gave up and clicked on the ‘search contacts’ bar.

As sigh of relief came over her as he typed in the letter ‘L’ and his contact came up immediately. Not to mention the little green tick beside his name indicating that he was online which made he even happier.

She moved the pointer over to the blue ‘video call’ button and clicked on it. The familiar ringing tune chimed in her ears as she waited for him to pick up.

All of a sudden, her face appeared in a box in the corner of the screen and his face was taking up three quarters of her MacBook screen.

“Elodie!” his British accent cried out to her, a smile stretched out from ear to ear.

“Hi Liam.” She replied quietly, sending him a shy wave.

Liam spun around in circles on his desk chair on the screen, obviously very entertained.

He stopped spinning and looked straight into his webcam, sort of as if he was staring onto her soul. He did this every time the pair skype called and it was really freaking her out.

“So, my baby sister, to what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked in a suggestive tone, wiggling his eyebrows.

Elodie rolled her eyes at his childishness and looked back at him again.

“First off, stepbrother.” She corrected him and he pouted.

“Yeah, whatever.” He answered with a light chuckle, “So what’s going on, why did you call me?”

Elodie held up a finger telling him to stay put and grabbed the hair dye from the table before hiding it behind your back.

“I need your opinion.” She stated and he nodded slowly in response.

She held up thee box of hair dye to the camera and he fake gasped and pretended to faint at the sight.

Rolling her eyes for the fiftieth time today, she sat back down on the stool and scolded him for being so childish and he sat back up in a fit of laughter.

“It’s okay,” he started, “but are you going to dye your whole head that colour?” he asked.

Elodie nodded, eyeing the box of dye and looking at the instructions and warnings.

Pfft, like she was gonna read either of those.

“I think you should only dye half of your hair.” He stated and Elodie gave him a confused look before he explained further, “I mean only dye the tips, like you did with tee blonde.”

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