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Days at the beachside house consisted of all four boys rushing around, moving furniture, blowing up air mattresses and preparing the spare bathrooms for their guests that they had never even met. They were supposed to be arriving very soon, but the house still wasn't presentable, even after five freaking days.

Heavy panting sounds came from the living room as Calum and Luke sat on the couch struggling to blow up the air mattress for the third time day. They had miss placed the electric pump so they ended up having to compromise with their own vital capacity.

The attic door was wide open and you could hear grunting sounds as Mike moved the old dusty boxes around, in attempt to find the blankets and pillows that they usually stored up there.

The front door swung open and Ashton stumbled in carrying bags of groceries. He struggled to keep his balance because he was one of those people that believed that more than one trip was for pussies, he decided to change his beliefs when he face planted in the hallway, dropping the plastic bags along with his dignity.

"Woah! What was that?" Calum called out from the living room. Ashton weighed quite a bit so his fall made quite the noise when he collapsed on to the ground.

Ashton groaned and rubbed his head-it was fucking pounding-before sitting up and gathering the food that had rolled out of the shopping bags.

"It was just me guys! I fell over when I came in," He called out to reassure the boys, "new rule, more than one trip is for smart people." He mumbled under his breath.

Calum and Luke came rushing into the hallway and Michael trudged down the stairs to check if Ash was okay, well actually, to check if the food was okay.

Michael walked over to Ashton who was still seated on the floor rubbing his head while Luke and Calum grabbed the shopping bags from the floor and lugged them into the kitchen.

"So that wasn't an earthquake that was just you falling over?" Michael grinned and held out his hand to help his curly haired friend up off of the floor.

"Is this your way of telling me I'm fat?" Ashton glared at Michael and he chuckled in response, shaking his head.

Michael led Ashton into the living room and sat him down on the couch, ordering him to stay there while he got him some ice before jogging out of the room.

Twiddling with his thumbs, Ashton waited rather awkwardly for his friend to return.

His phone buzzed in his back pocket. Ashton pulled the phone out, pressing the on button and his background flashed up onto the screen-a picture of him and the boys at their biggest gig yet.

His eyes trailed down to the notifications, confusion laced h=in his expression as he saw that the text was from an unknown number.


From: Unknown Number


Hey Ash its Elodie, I got called into work and my brother and his friend are at the airport waiting to be picked up, I know it's a lot to ask but could you go pick them up? I owe you big time.

Elodie xx


Things were pretty busy at the moment and it just wouldn't be the best idea to go pick them up, the house wasn't even ready yet! But Elodie added those two little kisses at the end and he really couldn't resist that.

"Mike!" he called out.

Footsteps pounding on the floor sounded throughout the house and Michael skidded into the room with ice in one hand and a half eaten banana in the other.

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