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Everyone was treating Ashton as if he was going to die if he did something for himself and he was not enjoying it all. Cal, Luke and Mike would do everything for him, he couldn't even leave the bed. He was only allowed to stand up to go to the bathroom and he didn't even have any privacy in there because the boys refused to let him lock the door.

Ashton couldn't blame his friends for being worried about him. They were constantly worrying about him because they thought if they left him alone for more than thirty seconds they would find their friend broken on the floor crying or something but that really wasn't the case.

Ashton wasn't really that affected by Dakota's confession anymore, sure, his heart came that little bit closer to breaking every time he thought of her, but he had decided that he had had enough 'feeling sad time'-a creative name that Luke had come up with-and he was finally accepting the fact that there was nothing in this world that he could do to help Dakota. She had brought this on herself as she had told him and she was going to face it on her own because being the kind hearted person she is, she didn't want to drag Ashton in to it.

The house was so boring at the moment and no one was doing anything but lying around, eating food from the bakery, (which Michael had gone to get so Ash didn't get the chance to see Elodie.) and keeping an extra close eye on Ashton.

Michael had gone out with Elodie quite a few times since the night of the concert; people had finally stopped asking questions as to why Ashton had said Elodie's name on stage but he hadn't seen her or contacted her since the night he found Michael sucking her face off.

If Ashton wanted this girl, he was going have to pull some moves that he would never pull usually, but Michael was like way ahead of him in this race so he needed as much as he could get.

He sat up in his bed and nudged Luke who was snuggled up beside him because it was his turn to 'watch over' Ashton, but he hadn't done a very good job because he had fallen asleep, leaving Ashton to do whatever he wanted.

"Luke," he whispered,

"Lucas," nothing.

"Lucifer you better get your ass up outta this bed!" he yelled.

Luke snorted for air before shooting up out of bed and onto his lanky feet. His eyes darted around the room for any sources of danger. Once he realised that there was nothing wrong he opened his mouth to speak.

"What Ash?" the tall man boy ruffled his blonde hair.

"Can we do something Lukey?" Ashton asked, putting on his puppy dog face.

"But it's so early Ash." Luke whined once again.

"Luke, its four in the afternoon." Ashton rolled his eyes at his friend's inability to read the digital cock that was placed beside his bed.

"Oh," Luke replied, rather embarrassed, "sure, what do you wanna do?"

Ashton though for a moment, he wanted to see Elodie, but he couldn't just say that he wanted to go see her, because then Luke would be on to him. Luke may not be able to read a digital clock, but he sure as hell knew when something was up and he was always one to give a long ass lecture.

"Can we have a movie night? We haven't had one of those in forever and we can invite friends and hang ou-"Ashton was cut off my Luke.

"Michael has a date with Elodie tonight." He pointed out. Ashton rolled his eyes, of course he did.

"Well then he can invite Elodie! Problem solved."

Luke sighed before nodding and leaving the room to go tell the other boys about the plans for tonight. Ashton could feel the grin spread across his face.

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