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Why it was pouring with rain in Sydney when it was the middle of summer no one really knew why. But Ashton claimed that the weather was designed to match his mood since he was feeling really crappy right now and the weather was crappy. You get the point.

Even though he had apologised to Elodie for what he had done-along with completely lying to her-he still felt like the guilt was eating him away slowly and painfully.

He felt like such a dickhead. He was planning to steal his best mate's girlfriend--or whatever she was to Michael--and not even say anything about it. When Ashton was actually going through with his 'mission' he felt like nothing was wrong. But he later realised that he was being a selfish idiot and needed a kick in the ass.

What kind of friend steals his best friend's girl? Not Ash, that's for sure.

Before he had decided to ask Harry for Elodie's address, he thought about his actions; he realised that he would have punched Mike's face in if he had gone after Dakota, or any of the boys. He came to conclusion that Mike was a better friend than Ash would ever be, because Mike didn't even say anything.

Even after all this drama, Ashton still felt like shit.

He knew that he had pulled a dick move, but he couldn't help but wish that he could have kept his hand on Elodie's thigh a little longer, or pulled her closer.

The curly haired boy just felt so alone; he just wanted to cuddle and all the boys where out today, leaving Ash alone because, "he still isn't in the best state to go out yet." As Luke had said to the other boys.

As if on cue, the door unlocked and the three boys came stumbling in with bags from the party store downtown. They tossed them on the floor and yelled for Ash to come downstairs and help, even though he was actually in the kitchen eating some vegemite on toast.

"Yeah?" Ash asked the three boys.

Mike looked up at Ash and the down at his toast, rolling his eyes and mumbling something along the lines of "typical Australian."

"Anyway," Michael declared, clasping his hands together, "So, it's Elodie's birthday soon."

Ashton immediately switched his attention away from the food and to the topic that the boys were currently discussing.

"So, we're going to throw her a surprise party, her stepbrother, Liam is coming all the way from America with his friend from college so we can discuss this with him when he gets here the day before the party. Anyway, we can get balloons and decorations and alcohol and presents..."Michael rambled on about different shit that Ash didn't give to craps about, "and we can't forget the cake!"

"Elodie doesn't like cake." Ashton found himself snapping at the purple haired boy.

Three pairs of eyes began staring at Ashton in astonishment and confusion.

"And how the hell would you know that?" Michael snapped back.

"She told me." Ashton shrugged simply in reply, not wanting to start anymore drama than there already was.

"Whatever." Mike mumbled, running a hand through his thin hair and walking out of the room.

Sure, Michael hadn't said anything about being mad at Ash, yet everyone knew that he was.

Like, he would barley look him in the eyes, he'd try his best to ignore him and wouldn't answer his callas or texts-another thing that was making Ash feel like shit.

So Ash grew some fucking balls and followed Mike into the next room.

He was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone on some social media with a pout on his face, similar to the one he had on the other night.

The curly haired boy crawled onto the sofa, wrapping his muscular arms around his pale friend.

"What?" Mike spat.

Ashton was slightly taken aback by Michael's tone, but who could blame him? Who wouldn't be mad if their best friend tried to steal their girl?

"Sorry." Ashton pouted.

Michael sighed deeply, before giving in and wrapping his rather pale arms around his friend and huffing him back.

"I just don't get why you would do that Ash." He mumbled into his chest.

"I don't know what came over me, it's just Da-"he couldn't even finish her name. He was already in tears.

Ashton sat there sobbing, he tried to be strong but he couldn't hold on any longer he had been strong for such a long time, but he needed to cry, so that's exactly what he did.

Michael sat there on the couch with him, rubbing circles on his back like any best friend should, not even caring that his sex pistols shirt was getting soaked in Ashton's tears and snot.

The pair ended up falling asleep on the couch, Mike sprawled out across the couch and Ashton's tear stained cheek pressed against his broad chest as he continued to sob uncontrollably, letting out all of the pain he had bottled inside.



How are ya'll doing? good? Good.


No im not.

The drama is on its way bitchachos get ready.

-ronnie xx

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