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Regina sat at the table in the dining room and Red sat beside her. "You gonna eat? Swans not holding back your food privileges anymore."
Regina shrugged. "I'm not hungry." She said and eyes the food on Ruby's tray. "What is that?"
Ruby took a bite and shrugged. "Doesn't matter. foods food. Starving won't get you anywhere in here you know."
Regina rolled her eyes. "I'm not starving myself. I'm just not hungry. I don't eat breakfast. I never have."
Ruby took another bite of her food. She eyes Regina's hair. "I could give you a hair cut if you want. I'm thinking short. Above your shoulders."
Regina looked at her hair. It's never been cut. It was nearly to her knees. "What's wrong with my hair the way it is?" She asked and flipped a strand behind her back.
"Oh nothing. I just want to see it short. Can I? I could even add highlights to make it lighter. First visit is free." Ruby said.
Regina shook her head. "No highlights but I'll let you cut it." Regina said.
Ruby instantly grabbed her arm and pulled her up. She led her out of the room. "W-What- now?" Regina stuttered.
Ruby smiled. "I haven't done hair in two whole days. Yes now." She said and led Regina to the hair station. She sat Regina down and began to work on her hair.
Ruby finally handed her a mirror. "Your hair is trying to curl up. I didn't know you had curly hair." Ruby said. "You can buy a straightener for twenty dollars from me if you want. Only rule is you have to leave it here in the hair station." Ruby said.
Regina shrugged. Her father left her money in her account every week. A lot of it. "I'll take one." She said.
Ruby smiled. "I like you Mills."

Ruby straightened Regina's hair. "There." She whispered and handed Regina a mirror. "What do you think?"
Regina turned to see her haircut. "Wow." She said softly. "I love it. Thank you." She said and handed the mirror back.
Ruby shrugged. "Anytime." Another person walked in.
"The usual Red." She snapped her gum and sat on the chair.
Regina thanked Ruby again and walked to her block. Everyone has the day off for reasons unknown to her. Emma looked up from a magazine. "Someone did the big prison chop."
Regina ignored her comment and walked to the 'kitchen' and made herself some tea.
Merida slammed into her and made her spill the tea on herself. "Whoops. I didn't see you there." She sneered and laughed.
Regina only rolled her eyes and made herself another cup. The steaming tea didn't hurt her as bad. She was used to it.
She grabbed her cup and walked to the table and sat down. She pulled her knees up to her chest and took a sip of the tea.
      Belle ran in. "Where's Maria?! They're doing an emergency drug check! She's terrified of the dogs and-"
     Regina stood up. "Stay here. I'll look around. I won't get in much trouble for being outside my block because I've only been here a week." She said and walked past the young mother.
     Emma crossed her arms. "She's got a death wish."
     Regina ran down the hall. "Maria? Love?"
     She heard a cry in a closet and she opened it. Just as she expected the kid was crying softly in the hall. She lifted her up. "Hey kid. What's wrong?"
      "The-" She hiccuped and took a shaky breath. "Doggies scare me." She said softly.
      Regina walked back to the block before a C.O. Practically slammed her into Emma. "You are to be in your block when you are told prisoner! You're lucky I don't give you a shot!" She snapped and locked up the block. "You all are drug free but all blocks are under lock down for the rest of the day." She snapped and narrowed her eyes as Regina.
     Regina glared at the C.O. And walked to Belle. She handed her Maria and belle kissed her daughters forehead and walked into her room.
Regina clenched her fists and looked at her right hand.
"Still can't move it?" Emma asked. Regina could hear the sarcasm imbedded in her voice.
Regina walked to her room. "Stay out of my business Emma Swan." She snapped.
Emma jumped up and lunges at Regina. "What did I tell you about using my name you bitch!" Emma snapped and tried to grab her. Regina slammed the door shut before Emma grabbed her.
Regina leaned on her door and sighed. Prison was harder than she thought it was going to be.

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