The compatibility ceremony

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* Okay this one is gonna be a little tough so bare with me please lol.

I struggled to sleep after the cleansing ceremony everything ran thru my head making me a little agitated. Eventually in the early ours I fell asleep until my mother barged into my room to wake me up. I got out of my bed groggily and mumbled all the way to the shower. Feeling a little more refreshed after doing my routine in the bathroom I went into my room to see my mother waiting for me with clothes on the bed. Today it wasn't dresses but tight fitting pants and a tank top with sneakers. I was a little worried about this ceremony seeing as I was going in blind, not knowing what was expected of me.

After getting dressed I followed my mother to the kitchen to have breakfast. Sitting down at the counter in the middle of the kitchen my stomach was in knots. I wasn't really hungry but knew that my mom would have a fit if I didn't eat anything so I just played with my food and taking a bite now and then. "Mat my dear, what is wrong?" I sighed putting my fork down and looked at my mom. "I am scared mom, I don't know what I will have to do today and what if we aren't compatible with each other?" I told her with my head hung low. "Oh my dear I know you will be great for each other and it won't be so hard I promise" she told me giving me a hug.

After breakfast we got into the cars again and was driven to another gave in the forest. The inside was amazing it looked like Cristal's hang from the ceiling making the room of the cave light up. In the middle of the room there was a huge circler table with two chairs across from each other. I was taken to the one chair and my mate was taken to the other. We sat down at the same time, I was still not making eye contact with him to afraid my heart would start racing again and then I wouldn't be able to concentrate. The same old man as the day before put papers and a pen in front of us. "You can begin" he told us and moved back standing there waiting. I looked at the paper and saw it had a lot of questions so I started answering them the best I could.

It was an hour later that we were finished and got up from the chairs and the old man came and took the papers. We were taken to a different part of the cave were it looked like there were a lot of games that we would play, but it wasn't board games more like survival games. The first one we had to climb a very tall wall with flags at the top. We were half way up when my hand slipped and I started falling, the next thing I knew two strong arms wrapped around me and the tingles running over my body was driving me crazy. We finished our first challenge together and was taken to the second one. My arms felt heavy and sore from having to pull my body weight up that wall.

The second challenge we had to go thru mud terrain with a lot of abjects in the way. Again we made it thru together and now I was drenched in mud and my legs felt the same as my arms. I was bone tired but we still had two more challenges to get thru. The last two was even worse than the other ones we did but some how we made it thru with out me collapsing from being over tired. We were taken back to the first cave were the old man was waiting for us. "You are done the results of your compatibility test will be revealed tomorrow morning, I suggest you go home get clean and have a good rest" he told us and walked out. My feet felt heavy walking out to the car we got in even as dirty as we were and went home. I took a long shower to make sure i got all the mud and dirt out of my hair and off my body. I went straight to bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow....     

Life's little turn's (Completed){under editing}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ