The cleansing

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After they gave their a provel my mother came and stood next to me and the young man stood next to my mate. The old man came and turned his back to us, whispering in some kind of language I didn't understand. The water turned into a dark red colour making my eyes go wide. He moved away from us and held his hand out to the pond, showing us we had to go in. Now normally I would be scared out of my mind but when my mate took my hand, it instantly calmed me down. We had to take off our clothes before we stepped into the pond, we laid down on our backs until the water covered up to our necks. My mom explained that we had to stay like that until the water ran clear again.

It felt like hours went by before the water started to clear slowly. My whole body felt like it had tingles running thru it. When the water was finally clear we got up and stepped out of the pond. My mother covered me with a black robe and the young man did the same to my mate. I tried really hard to not look at my mates body and down there. We were taken to another part of the cave were there stood to beds that looked like massage beds. Our robes was taken of and we were told to lay down on the beds.

We did as we were told and lay down on our backs, I felt unbelievably exposed to every one around me. Trying to get rid of the awkwardness around me I laid still not looking around me. To older woman came over to me and started to spread some kind of mud all over my body, when they were done they told me to lay as still as possible so the mud had time to dry. After it dried we had to turn around on our stomach's and they did the same thing on our backs with the mud. Again we weren't aloud to move. After an hour of laying still I almost fell asleep being this relaxed. The older woman came to us helped us up and took us over to a small waterfall that was inside the room. They proceeded to cleanse the mud from me.

Again we moved to a different room in the cave were another set of beds stood. We got on them and laid down, the older woman came and started massaging some kind of oil on my body from head to toe. When the oiling was done, they did the same thing with my hair. They had me turn around again and massaged the oil on to the back of my body. Once done we were moved back to the first room were the pond was, again the old man stood in front of it chanting those strange words. This time the water turn completely black. We were ushered into the black water and laid down the same way as before.

Again it felt like hours before the water started to and this time my body felt very warm, especially in between my legs. I couldn't understand why I was getting this horny all of a sudden and I felt myself blush heavy when my mate sniffed the air and then snapped his head to me with a dark look of lust in his eyes. The cleansing was over, we walked outside to the cars and started going back to my parents castle. Phew this day was unbelievable and really really relaxing making my eyes droop in the back of the car.......

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