The Past

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I couldn't remember anything about my grandparents, I never met them, and they weren't a part of my life. For as long as I could remember it was just the three of us. Whenever I would ask my mother about them she would be evasive, only telling me small bits and pieces about them, how my grandfather was a very loving man and my grandmother loved to bake cookies. I could never understand why they wouldn't talk about them; it was almost like they were ashamed of them, but the small pieces they would tell me, told me the opposite of that. We use to move around a lot from one place to another, never staying longer than six months in one place, I was never able to make friends and was always told to come back home right after school. Just when I would think we settled now, we would pack up again and move, I was always the new kid at school. It seemed as if my parents were running from something or someone and even at my young age I knew something was off.

 I stopped asking them why when I realized they would always evade my questions and never give me what I was asking for. I used to be a bubbly happy child, but all the moving around soon made me a somber and angry little girl never smiling anymore. The last place we moved to was just before my eleventh birthday, it was a small town called Bultfontein. Everything seemed fine; we rented a small two bedroom house just on the edge of the town, I went to the new school there, being used to be the new kid at school. I kept to myself not making friends with any off the other kids, not knowing if we were going to move again or not. Every day I would come home from school and help my mother around the house, and then I would go to my small room and do my homework. In the evening we would eat dinner at the table, my father had only one rule and that was that we must spend time together every day at least for one hour. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, every week that past gave me hope that we were finally going to stay forever in one place. 

My birthday went the same as all my other birthdays, my mom would make me a cake and all my favorite foods. We would spend the day together just the three of us and have fun. That night I went to bed with the feeling that something bad was going to happen to us. Trying to convince myself that I was just paranoid, I covered myself with my blanket and fell asleep uneasy. It was dark outside when a noise woke me up coming from inside the house. I got out of bed slowly and went to my door to try and hear what was going on. Just then I heard my mother scream, shocked I pulled my door open and ran to my parents' bedroom, but it was empty. Running down the hall I stopped when I saw my mother's bloody body on the floor in front of me. Frozen in my spot not able to move or even make a sound, I tried to keep the bile that was rising and the scream down. My father was fighting with something only a few feet away from me, I couldn't see much through my tears. 

I ran to my mom crying and trying to get my mom to wake up. My father screamed at me to run, "RUN BABY GIRL, RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!!!" I got up and ran as fast as my two little legs could carry me to the nearest house. Banging on their door screaming, "PLEASE HELP ME, SOMETHING IS KILLING MY PARENTS!!!" The door opened and the folks inside let me in. They called the cops and waited with me for them to arrive. It was about two hours later when the cops came to me, their heads were bent and they had a sad look on their faces. Collapsing on the floor I knew without them saying anything that both my parents were dead and I would never see them again, the feeling off loss that came over me knocked me out into blackness, all of it being to much for my young mind to handle and the darkness that surrounded me was my only comfort.....

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