The Ceremony Part Two

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I haven't met a man yet that could make me feel like that again and I was glad for it, my life was complicated enough, I didn't need a man to make it worse. I promised myself that I would never ever again feel like that again or get that hurt by a man again, so it was best for me to stay alone and become an old maid with hundreds of cats. It happened once in my life and to this day I have been able to stay away from men and keep the promise I made to myself, But this man sitting next to Catherine could do damage to the walls I build up if we were ever to be together for to long, his looks alone could make me forget that promise and that wasn't a good thing at all. Even my thoughts at this point was pissing me off, who in their ever loving fucking mind drools over kidnappers and sex traffic lunatics, well, it seems me that's who. I couldn't remember a time in my life were I was this constantly pissed at what was happening around me or at myself. These people were bringing out a side to me I didn't know existed, I have always been a quiet and soft kind of person, I don't remember a time in my life were I got this angry or was this confused. The big doors opened up and eight men, who were also, very tall and build plus very handsome, it seemed these people didn't know the word ugly, they came in and stood to the side front of the stage. The other man sat on the right chair from Catherine and was looking over the woman in front of him with a bored expression on his face, seeming to not wanting to be here at all. When his eyes met mine he had a quick shock reaction on his face and then it was gone, he looked away and back to the other woman as if looking at me would burn him or something. Cursing softly I just couldn't get why everyone in this place was acting like that when they saw me it was getting annoying very fast, my nerves was starting to become very sensitive and I didn't know how long I was going to be able to keep my anger in check. I shrugged my shoulders again at the way these people acted and decided to ignore the people's reactions to me, because if I didn't I was going to walk around with a permanent headache and scowl on my face, and that people will give you wrinkles on your face long before its time for them.

The old woman from the cave came in with the same two men at her sides; maybe they are her body guards because anything else just seemed gross to me. She went to stand in front of Catherine and nodded her hello to everyone, and then she turned towards us and my nerves started to act up again. It was only then that I saw she had a golden cup and a small dagger in her hands, the anger I felt before came back almost tenfold and it took every ounce of energy I had not to act on it, my body was shaking and I was almost choking on it, were they going to cut our throats right here in front of everyone?. It was like Catherine and the old lady could feel my anger, because both were looking at me with concern on their faces, when they saw me reel myself in, their faces relaxed somewhat. "Good evening ladies" the old woman spoke for the first time since I first saw her, her voice didn't sound her age, it sounded strong and at least a few years younger than she looked. "Now please don't be afraid, you're not here to be sold as slaves" she looked at me then and continued. "Nor are you here to be fed to some cannibalistic ritual" she looked at one of the other woman when she spoke. The woman blushed furiously and hang her head at the look she was receiving "Well, fuck did they have listening devices all over this place?" I wondered to myself while observing them. How the fuck did they know what everyone was saying about why we were here? At this point my confusion level was at its limit or so I thought, it seemed I was in a constant state of confusion around these people.

She then moved over to the men standing on one side and whispered something to them, that made them stand straighter and taller. Then she went to the first woman and asked for her hand, which she took and made a cut in the palm of her hand, making her hiss at the sudden burn of the cut and then she held it over the cup so the blood could drip into it. The eight men moved and stood in front of the three people on the stage, but they were facing the line of woman and not Catherine and her son's. A young maid appeared out of nowhere and wrapped a bandage around the first woman's hand; at least they didn't leave her to bleed, I thought to myself, because that would have been just cruel. The old woman took the cup with blood to the line of men and gave it to the first guy to take a sip, he took it from her gently and took a sip without complain. Now that was just simply gross, What the fuck?. She waited a few minutes and then moved to the next guy, seemingly waiting for something to happen. She repeated this action when the 6th guy contorted in pain as well as the first woman, both fell to their knees. I only looked at the whole scene with utter shock on my face, "This can't be real, I have to be having one heck of a nightmare" I thought to myself. Moving my hand slowly to not be seen to my back and pinching myself, but the sting from the pinch was a good indicator that I was completely fucking awake. Wishing I could wake up already because this is becoming a really wacky dream and was becoming something you would read about and watch on the tv. We obviously had it wrong; this started to look more like some kind of satanic ritual than anything else, things were happening that wasn't possible and that was freaking me the hell out. That would really explain the cells and clothing as well as this weird fucking place with all the dark colours. Fuck me for being so stupid as to not listen to my gut feelings, if I ever make it out of here, I will never ignore them again just to keep other people happy, because I should know by now that it always gets me into very very deep shit, making my life complete hell and landing me in situations like these where I had to fight my ass of just to stay alive...

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