The Morning After

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It was early morning when I woke up, all the bad feelings and pain from the night before was gone, My head was a little slow to and foggy. Somehow I was in the bed, dressed in Pajamas that didn't belong to me and I have never slept in anything so thin or silky. Sitting up I looked around, the servants was busy cleaning the room and preparing my breakfast, there was no sign of Jake, or any of the events that happened. One of the servants saw I was awake and hurried to me, with a soft smile on her face. "Good morning miss, your breakfast is ready as well as your bath" Groaning I got out of the bed deciding to just go with it. I didn't have the strength to fight at this point; it felt like all my energy was drained and my resolve was none existent. I went to the breakfast table on shaky legs and sat down; eating only a little bit feeling my stomach isn't well, must be the hell of a headache I had last night. When I was done I went and let the girls bath me, I didn't notice them giving each other worried looks, or how they made sure to be extra attentive and soft. Dressed in a long black dress again, but this one wasn't as sexy or provocative like the one from last night, it seems they have a thing for putting me in something black, not that I was complaining it was my favorite colour after all. It had long sleeves and was closed from the neck down, it hanged down to my ankles, but didn't have any slits at the sides. The body did fit me like a glove and showed my curves nicely, which was kinda making me embarrassed but eh I was to tired to care.

I smiled at the way these people did things, last night they dressed me for exposure, today they dressed me in something close to a nun, maybe because I was now bonded to Jake and wasn't aloud to show so much skin. Looking in the mirror, I still couldn't recognise myself, the girl looking back at me was a stranger, someone else completely, my eyes looked dead, the circles and bags under my eyes showed the amount of stress I went through the last few days and although I had slept more because of being drugged and what happened last night, it still felt like I had no sleep for days. "The madam of the house wants you to join her in the garden miss, we will take you there" the servant girl told me to get my attention. I scoffed at that but started following them anyway, we left the room and walked down the corridor to a different part of the palace. I didn't even take in my surroundings; I seemed to be on auto pilot, my head just couldn't wrap around everything and I still had a slight headache lingering at the back of my head . We came to the garden a few minutes later; Catherine was standing by a big fountain with cement statues of a dragon and a wolf. It looked the same as the carvings on my bedroom door, again the dragon is black and the wolf is white.

 "Wow, but these people love their mythical creature's" I mused to myself. "Yes we do, it's part of our culture and history" Catherine told me, holding her hand out to me, did I say that out loud or something. I took her hand and we walked to a bench near the fountain and sat down. "I am so glad to see you up and about already" The older woman looked at me a bit worried. "The other girls aren't as strong as you my dear" I looked at her confused, yes I was still feeling the effects of whatever happened last night, but I felt almost like myself, just a bit tired. So why would the others be worse off than me? "Oh there is so much for you to learn my dear, but all in good time" Catherine patted my hand, again how did she know what I was thinking, because I know I didn't say that out loud. I was getting pretty fed up with hearing this "in time" shit, it was getting old really fast. We sat quietly for a while soaking up the sun and it was almost as if the sun helped restore my energy. 

"Feeling better now?" Catherine asked when she saw the colour come back into my face. I only nodded yes and looked back at the fountain, Catherine smiled to herself, she made them bring me here with the sole purpose of seeing if what she thought was true, and she was overjoyed to see that she was indeed correct. "Good now go take a walk in the garden and when you're done Sarah here will go with you to your room, it's almost lunch time". Catherine left me then and I instead went back to my room, not wanting to explore my surroundings just yet. I just shook my head, I didn't understand why she asked to see me, we didn't even talk about anything at all, so it seems she just wanted to check up on me, huffing I entered the room with a sigh. Sitting by the fire with a cup of coffee in my hand I wondered were Jake was and what he was doing to not be here, face palming myself for even wanting to know in the first place, it's none of my business where he was or what he was doing or even who he was doing. This time I really did slap myself for my thoughts and felt like I was starting to go a little crazy, which would be understandable after everything.  These people could try to act nice and sweet all they wanted, the fact remained they were kidnappers, they ripped people from their homes and lives without a care to their families and loved ones or their wants and needs. I could just imagen how hurt and full of sorrow the girls family's were, how could people be so cruel? Yes, I know we have it better than a lot of other girls who get taken to be sold for sex trafficking, but that doesn't mean we are not traumatized by what we were going through. My head started to ache again with everything that was running through it, so I took a deep breath and cleared my mind from all of it. I just need a fucking break from all of it.....

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