~Chapter 5~

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I absolutely detest when people from my school show up to where I work. Maybe it's the fact that since your working and have to be nice, they take advantage of it but for me it's more that I'm dressed up in a humiliating chicken costume. The chicken costume has many horrible aspects of it: the sweltering heat, the discomfort, the embarrassment; yet it also has one good aspect: the mask. The mask conceals my identity, so as long as no one talks to me or sees me take it off, they will never know it's me. Sam cannot have the same luxury unfortunately, because her face is on full display beneath the chicken decorated visor on her head.

Therefore, usually I get away with going unnoticed by classmates who drop by for cheap fast food. Yet as soon as they enter the restaurant, my stomach clenches in uneasiness. Due to the inclement weather outside, I get to be inside and usually I'd be happy to be indoors but when I see Ashton and Ronnie walk in laughing with each other, I'm tempted to run outside in the torrential rain.

I turn to look over at Sam who's lips are bent in frown, as an expression of horror quickly takes over. In that same moment, Ronnie notices her and his eyes light up with mischief. "Look who we have here," he says walking over to the counter, his hand twirling his phone.

"Are you here for food?" Sam asks in annoyance.

"That's no way to treat a customer," he replies.

"What do you want?" she hisses.

He shrugs. "Cheese."

Her brow furrows as her eyes squint in confusion. "Cheese?"

"Got it!" Ashton states happily, looking down at his phone in pride. "That was easy. I'm surprised Jamie doesn't work here too because if she did this would be perfect."

I stiffen at the mention of my name, and can see Sam's eyes dart in my direction. Please. Please. Please just leave.

"You guys are such ass wipes! Get out!" orders Sam, pointing toward the door. Ronnie smirks, as he lifts up his hands. "You don't have to tell me twice sweetheart."

Ashton and Ronnie head toward the exit and I back away, trying to distance myself as much as possible. Yet as I back up, I hit someone who was making their way to the trash can. The impact causes me to fall forward. My hands outreach to save myself from the grey tiles, yet still I fall to the floor letting out a screech.

I lay sprawled on the ground momentarily, as I let the embarrassment seep in. Sighing, I push myself up to sit on my bum, and look up to meet the mischevious smile of Ashton. "No way," he mutters as he pulls the chicken head off my suit to reveal my face contorted in horror. "Dude get a picture of this!"

Ronnie pulls out his phone and takes multiple pictures of me while I try in hide behind my gloved chicken hands. From between my fingers, I see Sam hop over the counter and push the two laughing buffoons out of the way, as she helps me to my feet. "Do you guys honestly have nothing better to do on a Friday night?"

Calming down from his laughing fit, Ronnie replies, "No we do. We have something way better planned for a Friday night."

"Is a part of it to come here and annoy us to hell's end?" I ask.

"No it's just an added bonus," answers Ashton running a hand through his brown hair.

"Then go do whatever else you guys consider 'fun'," Sam says, placing air quotations around the word fun.

"I doubt you two even know what fun is," Ashton scoffs.

"I bet we know how to have more fun than you," I state, stepping forward with her arms placed firmly across her chest.

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