~Chapter 17~

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The next day Ashton arrives at my front door promptly. His hair tusseled by the helmet, Ashton runs his fingers through his chestnut strands as he gives me his lopsided smile. "Ready to go?"

Ronnie told me Ashton be here around three, and since there was no way for Ashton to tell me he was coming, I was post up by my window waiting for his arrival. "As ready as I'll ever be," I state.

Slipping on the helmet, I take my place behind him, clinging to his waist before the motor starts. As we ride down the streets and onto the highway, I find myself nestled in his back. Comforted by his heat and the cool air of the day swirling around us, I only stir when his bike comes to halt in front of his house. I sigh inwardly, and unwrap my arms from around his waist. While removing his helmet, Ashton turns toward me. "I must warn you that my grandma is home and she can be a little overwhelming."

I scoff. Ashton has obviously never met my grandmother. She's four foot eleven of suffocating love. Once you enter her house, she will have pinched your cheeks at least fourty times in two hours. "I'm sure I'll be fine."

Ashton shakes his head and smiles to himself enhancing the small dimples around his mouth. "If you say so."

His fingers fiddle with the locks on the door, before he swings it open. "Ashton! Ashton! Ashton!" calls Jax as he runs to the door. Spotting me he gives me a brief hug. "Hey Jamie!"

Looking down at his beaming, I can't help but smile. "Hey, what's up?"

Glancing between Ashton and me, Jax grins excitedly. "Mom called and she's coming back. She told me to tell you hi and to call her when you get the chance."

My brow furrows and I turn to Ashton for some clarity. His face is stoic but his cyan eyes twinkle as the look off into the distance.

"I hear voices. An unfamiliar voice at that." The sound of the person shakes Ashton focus as he returns to the world in front of him. A woman, my height, makes her way from the kitchen to greet us at the front door. Her skin is near porcelain creates a sharp contrast with her stunning blue eyes. Her skin is lined with wrinkles, and she wears them proudly her posture straight and confident. Once she spots me, her eyes widen.

"You brought a girl over?"

"She's my science partner."

She rolls her eyes. "Don't give me that bull. I was young once too you know," she halts, shifting her focus to me, "what's your name?"

"Jamie," I reply, sticking out my hand, "nice to meet you."

She gives my hand a firm handshake. "My name is Ingrid. I'm Ashton's grandmother," she responds before glancing to Ashton, "She has manners. I have good feelings about this one."

"Well that's good because hopefully she can get me an A on this project," he replies.

"All I know is I like her better than that other girl. Libby, the one with the piercings."

"Lizzie," huffs Ashton, "and she's actually a very nice girl."

"I'm sure she gives you a lot of things, doesn't make her a nice girl. But anyway did Jax tell you your mother called?"

He nods.

"Well," states Ingrid as she pulls Jax to her side, "we'll leave you two to get to work. No hanky panky in my house though!"

"Thank you so much," I say with a smile, "and don't worry, Ashton's a great kid but this is completely platonic."

She shakes her head. "Honey don't tell me. Tell your hormones," she answers with a chuckle.

Ashton all but drags me upstairs. "See I told you."

I shake my head. "She really isn't that bad. She's actually funny."

"Embarrassing is the right word," he mutters, opening the door to his room. Immediately, I head to his bed, plopping down right in the middle. "Ah yes of course, make yourself at home."

"I will." Falling back, I let the springs of the mattress catch my weight. "By the way, what happened to your phone." I stare at the white ceiling above, unable to see Ashton's reaction, yet from the loud silence of the room, I can tell I made the wrong move. Pushing myself onto my elbows, I see him in his desk chair. His head tilted, he bites his lip and sighs. "In LA you're either well off or struggling. Let's just say I'm not well off. You see where I live."

Ashton doesn't live in the best of neighborhoods, but his house is quaint and cute. And if there's one thing I was taught growing up was not to make assumptions. I know a lot of kids who live in questionable areas but are still pretty well off. Yet I grasp for a way to correct my mistake in asking. "I'm sorry I asked. I didn't mean to pry--"

"It's fine. My grandma had a point. I don't usually bring girls to house. I don't usually bring a lot of people here because of judgement. At school, I play it off well. No one usually thinks I'm on scholarship because of the people I hang with."

"Ronnie knows right?"

Ashton nods. "Yeah. It's like a trade off with us. What one doesn't have the other tries to make up for. I give him what weird pieces of a family I have and he helps me in dire need. He actually helped me pay for my bike when my grandma wasn't able to take me to school anymore."

In that instance, their whole friendship changed to me. The two of them aren't just best friend. They're family. They need each other. And in a way, that's like Sam and me. Although I think I need her more than she needs me, but I digress.

"I love that kid," Ashton says with a smile, "doesn't make him any less of an ass sometimes. Is that how it is with you and Sam?"

I laugh. "Sam and I have been friends for a while. I think my parents love Sam so much and her parents love me so much that there's no possible way we couldn't be friends," I sigh, "but Sam's seen me in my worst stages you know? And on top of that she's sticks by me through whatever and makes sure I'm good. I hope she can say I do the same."

Clapping my hands, I try to change the subject. "So on a lighter note. Why doesn't your grandma like Lizzie."

"My grandma is kind of old fashioned when it comes to piercing. Plus there was a time when Lizzie wasn't the greatest person to be around. So she thinks I need better friends."

There's a shocker. There's something about her that just doesn't sit right with me, and no it's not because she's probably with Ashton. I could care less. I feel like I just can't see the whole picture of who she is and it's bothersome.

"Well I know this girl. She's type amazing and your grandma really likes her. I think you should consider being friends with her," I say, framing my face to hint at who I'm referring to.

Ashton smirks, and brings a finger to his chin. "Hmm, I wonder who that could be. You should introduce us," he states with a smug smile. Stretching out my leg, I kick him lightly in the shin. "Ow. I was going to be nice and call you my friend, but you're a meanie," he says making his voice small. As he rubs his shin, he gives me wide puppy dog eyes. They almost work but I need to remain strong against his boyish good looks.

I lift up my hand. "Whatever, are we going to get this project done or nah?"

A/N: Sorry this chappie is kind of boring, but I wanted to get so Ashmie in for all you shippers so you could see more about his life. We're slowly starting to unravel Ashton but there's still a lot more to him. There's still a lot more to Ronnie, Jamie, and even Sam left. Also, if you guys have any ideas of what to add on the list, please comment below. It'd be appreciated. We'll be getting back to it next chapter so be prepared!! It's about to get juicy for some of you die hard shippers!!! Thanks so much for all the support thus far! I'll see you guys soon.

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