~Chapter 19~

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"So are we not gonna talk about what happened the other day?"ask Sam, as she leans against the locker beside mine. Her hands are placed on her hips as she waits for an answer. Well, silently demands an answer.

I've been trying to avoid this conversation with her all weekend, but I knew that when Monday comes I'd have no choice.

Today's Monday.

"Nothing," I answer nonchalantly as I close my locker.

"Don't you lie to me Jamie Marie Paige."

"Honestly, nothing." After much contemplation, I decided that I was most likely overanalyzing things. It was most likely that Ronnie was toying with me, as after all he's a major tease and has done it before. If anything, it was probably my teenage hormones placing thoughts in my head.

"All I'm saying Jamie, you need to figure your life out." Bending over so she can place her thick, brown hair in a ponytail, she scoffs. "Look who's here," she announces as she stands upright again. Turning around, I see both Ashton and Ronnie making their way toward us.

"Can you two look anymore thrilled to see us?" Ronnie questions with a lopsided smile.

Ashton tilts his head in feign concern. "Are we interrupting something?"

"Yes, but that's never stopped you guys before," mutters Sam.

"You're right," admits Ashton as he claps his hands together, "So like I was gonna ask, you guys free Friday?"

I glance over the two, suspicious of their plans. Really, I'm always suspicious of their plans. "Depends. Where are we going?"

"Lizzie has a band, and we're supposed to round up some people to go," Ronnie inserts.

Ashton quickly glances at Ronnie before turning to look at me. "Yeah, but we thought it'd be better if you guys came with us."

Sam places her hands over her heart. "That means you guys actually enjoy hanging out with us."

"Now we didn't say all that buttercup," Ronnie says as he tucks a stray hair behind her ear.

Sam hastily smacks his hands away. "It was implied."

"So you guys coming--" Ashton trails, his palms face up waiting for an answer.

I shrug and look at Sam. She shrugs in response, and I take it as a sure. "What else do we have to do?"


Sam and I enter the small café: the Red Hen. Some alternative band is currently on stage, and they're certainly not bad. Actually they're pretty good. I've never been here before, but it's the go to place for hipsters in our area to find new talent and eat some decent food.

The place is dimly lit, and waiters dressed in burgundy rotate between tables. The tables are decently packed, with only few vacant tables. I search the room for the familiar face of either Ashton or Ronnie, but the dim lighting is making things a little difficult.

Sam points to a table near the stage. "There, I see them!" Following her finger, I spot Lizzie's signature red hair first before seeing the boys beside her. Grabbing my wrist, Sam leads the way toward them.

Ronnie looks up first as soon as he sees us, his gaze flickering between us two. "Look who decided show up."

"We're here on time," I state although barely. Lexis was taking her sweet old time getting ready so she could drive Sam and I here.

"I'm pretty sure I texted you saying eight o'clock," Ashton says pulling out his phone. Sliding my hand into my back pocket, I pull out my phone as well to flip through our recent text messages. I quickly scan the text before letting out a small oops. "My bad, I thought you said eight thirty."

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