Chapter 8

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~skips car ride~

I got out of the car carefully, not wanting to hurt my side anymore. I was so scared for tonight, scared of kissing him. How would he react? what would he say? Will he hate me for feeling that way towards him? Does he feel the same way?

So many questions were floating around in my mind as I pushed the door open, slowly walking in. I found the house empty as always, leaving me to dwell that the horrible thoughts about tonight. Maybe it might go well and he does like you back, or maybe he will hate you, smack you across the face and leave you crying on the cold ground crying.

"Oh shut the fuck up Andy and start getting ready." I said to myself walking up the stairs to my room.

I plugged in my stereo putting my phone on the dock, opening my window up. The cool breeze flew in ruffling my hair softly as I turned the volume up on my phone. In an instant Kiss started to blast through my speakers, as a small smile played across me lips. I sang to the song, dancing around my room like an idiot pulling off my shirt.

I grabbed my notebook from under my pillow and sat on the ledge of the window.

I tapped the pen softly on my bottom lip reading over some lyrics. My eyes lit up as i put the pen to the paper letting the magic happen. Maybe I should start a band with some people i know. It would be awesome touring the world with awesome people making great music.

I ran a hand through my hair looking out the window up at the beautiful blue sky. In about three hours im going to be with Ashley, Im going to kiss him. I want this so bad and I don't care what happens, I will do it. I bit my bottom lip just thinking about my lips pressed against Ashleys softly plump ones.

I stood up and jumped off the window part, sticking the landing. I walked to the bathroom and did a little touch up on my make-up, while running the straightener through my hair.

I bit my lip softly smiling, while changing into my favorite skin tight skinny jeans. I pulled out one of my other shirts on the hanger, throwing it over my head and pulling it down. I checked the clock on my side table and frowned when only an hour went by. Could this day go any fucking slower. I rolled my eyes and flew down the stair case throwing myself on the couch. Maybe some TV could pass the time while i wait.

I flipped through the channels till spongebob flashed on the screen. I kicked up my feet on the table, closing my eyes to relax. The only thought that went though my mind was the kiss. That one kiss that would change my life forever. It was either he liked me or not, but i was he liked me.

~2 hours later~

I took a deep breath letting it out slowly, taking another deep breath in. My shaky hand rested on the door nob, as i slowly turned the handle and stepped out into the cool air. This was it, it was time to make the walk to the park. I shut the door behind me and walked down the steps to the side walk.

It was only a five minute walk from my house to the park, but it felt like hours as i slowly walked up to the black gates. I pushed them open, hearing the squeaking coming from it. I walked inside and towards the park area with a table resting on the grass. As I got closer, a black mass appeared sitting on the table staring up at the sky. I smiled and walked a little faster towards the mass.

"Ashley!?" I called out waving my hand in the air so he could see.

The mass turned around and waved back hopping off the table. I smiled more and walked faster to Ashley, seeing his features come into view.

"Hey Andy, whats up?" He asked smiling softly, his eyes lighting up from the moon light.

"Nothing, i just wanted to came here and tell you something." I said as my heart started to race faster and faster.

"Oh, what do you want to tell me." He said with curiosity in his voice.

"Ill tell you in a few, I just want to look at the beautiful stars for a minute." I said looking up.

I was so scared to kiss him, as my palms became sweaty and my heart beat like a race horse. I smiled softly closing my eyes when i felt Ashley shove me a little knocking my off my balance as he laughed.

"Your so going to get it." I said picking myself up.

"Oooo Im so scared." He said waving his arms around.

I narrowed my eyes and tackled him to the ground. He started rolling around, breaking away from me and running off. I got up and bolted in his direction gaining speed on him. I reached my arm out grabbing ahold of his wrist. He slowed his running and I pulled him back towards me, our bodys pressed against each others. I placed a hand around his waist and one on his cheek. This is it Andy, you've waited so long, and your finally getting your wish.

I leaned in, closing the space between Ashley and I. I pressed my lips to his, felling the fireworks shoot throughout my body. I closed my eyes kissing him, waiting for him to kiss back. He was just standing there frozen, his hands didn't move, he didn't kiss back, he just stood there. My heart dropped to my stomach shattering in a million pieces. Why was I such an idiot thinking he felt the same way for me. I mean just look at me, im pathetic, weak person.

I felt tears in my eyes as i pulled back, happy that i couldn't see Ashleys face in the dark. "I-Im sorry I'm sorry..." I said backing away slowly.

"Andy...wait." He said trying to grab my hand, but i turned around and ran out of the park.

Tears fell as the cool air burned my lungs. I ran all the way home bursting through the door and slamming it in anger. My emotions were everywhere and all I did was cry. I cried till i couldn't cry anymore, as my throat burned and my cheeks wet. I felt so numb to everything and all i wanted to do was curl in a ball and die. Why could i be so stupid into thinking he would like me.

There was a knock on the door pulling me out of my thoughts. I just stood there staring at the door till more knocks came harder and more frantic. I whipped my eyes and walked to the door opening it. As the door was fully opened I saw Ashley standing there with sad regretful eyes. What was he doing here, and what did he want.

"What do you want Ashley...?" I said with no emotion in my voice.

The next thing that happened made me rethink everything that was going through my mind.

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