Chapter 5

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The revolving doors spun around as Ashley and I made our way to the front desk. A nice middle age women with short brown hair smiled as I walked to the desk like i have dozens of times before.

"Mr. Biersack nice seeing you again today." She craned her neck to look around my body at Ashley hiding behind me. "And i see you finally brought a friend with you." She said smiling and writing two visitors passes.

"Its nice seeing you to Mrs. Gail. This is Ashley, he moved across the street from me." I said taking to passes and sticking one on my shirt.

"Hi" He said waving is hand softly and hiding more behind me.

"Well its nice to meet you Ashley, your mom is in the same room as always Andy." She said going back to typing on her computer.

I waved turning around and putting the sticker on Ashleys shirt taking his hand and pulling him to the elevators. I pressed the up button and waited for the doors to open. I let go of his hand and looked at him. "Shy much?" I said chuckling softly.

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled softly at me. I leaned against the doors,which was a bad move on my part, as they opened causing me to fall on my ass. Ashley started to laugh at me as i stood up brushing the dirt off my pants.

"Andy t-that was s-so funny." He said laughing while walking in and holding onto the bar.

"Just shut up and press four." I mumbled sticking my hands in my pockets trying to act cool.

He keep laughing and pressed number four, as the doors closed and we moved up. I just sighed to myself staring at the ground hiding my face with my hair. I felt like a complete idiot right now as Ashley calmed his laughing, breathing out short breaths. It seemed like forever in the quiet elevator, but finally the steal doors opened revealing the big Cancer Unit sign. I ran a hand through my hair walking out with Ashley behind once again looking around at all the people with bald heads in wheel chairs, hocked up to IVs.

"Why are we here?" He asked catching up to me, turning his head to look at the side of my face.

"I told you, to see my mom." I said turning the corner and walking farther down the hall.

"Oh so shes a nurse, thats cool. So your mom saves lives for a living, awesome, i wish my mom did that." He said smiling big walking with a skips in his step.

I sighed and keep quiet walking to her room and stopping at the closed door. The doors never closed, its always open. My heart started to race and I put a shaky hand on the door nob. What happens if i find it empty? Or shes dead in there and i would be walking in to see her sleeping? Tears came to my eyes just thinking about all the options that went through my mind. The sad thing was they always pointed back to seeing mom dead.

"Andy why are you crying? Did i say something wrong?" Ashley said while rubbing my back.

"C-can you just wait out here for a minute w-while i go in?" I said wiping the tears away with my free hand.

"Sure i can do that." He said sitting in the empty seat next to the door.

I took a deep breath letting it out slowly and i turned the handle  opened it slowly. I heard faint beeping of the heart monitor and soft breathing coming from inside the room. A small smile spread across my face as i opened the door walking in seeing mom laying on the bed alive. My heart stopped racing as i moved closer to the bed taking her hand lacing my fingers with hers.

She smiled and opened her eyes, rolling her head to the side looking at me. "Andy your here, I thought you werent going to show today." She said coughing softly.

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