Chapter 7

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Andys POV:
My alarm clock started going off, ringing in my ears. I groaned softly, hitting the snooze button trying to silence it. I opened one of my eyes and saw it was almost 7:00. My eyes snapped open as I fumbled around getting caught in the blankets falling to the floor. I gripped the side of my body feeling pain every time I took a breath. I pushed myself up, with a little help from the bed, and limped to the bathroom. I was in to much pain to get in the shower so I just sat on the toilet doing my hair. I ruffled the top and teased it a little. I stood back up and pulled off my shirt seeing a big bruise starting to form on my ribs. I took off my sweat pants, pulling on ripped black skinny jeans. I threw on a hat and walked  downstairs  to the kitchen. I threw my shirt on the couch watching it fall on the cushion. I saw my eye liner on the table and realized I forgot to put it on. I used the bathroom downstairs and put a thin layer around my eyes. I smiled at my work and put some black eye shadow on fixing my hay. I winced as i lifted my arm up, holding my side.
I left the bathroom going back to the kitchen grabbing an ice pack. I sat on the couch, placing the ice pack on my side. I sighed softly and closed my eyes.
"The one day I'm happy to go out with someone this happens." I shook my head softly and stayed still.
I heard my phone go off a few times, but i was in to much pain to move. The cold water made me shudder softly as my phone went off.
"Shut up! I don't want to talk to you right now phone." I said repositioning the ice pack.
The door handle shook slightly as it slowly opened. I kept my eyes closed not even caring, trying not to focus on the pain.
"Hey Andy, i came a little earlier. I called and texted a few times but you didn't answer." He walked in closing the door and looking at me. "What happened to you?" He said concerned and sat next to me.
"I fell right on my side." I said getting up and putting the ice away.
"Are you going to be ok today?" He asked following me.
"Yeah i should be fine, don't worry about me, now hand me my shirt." I said looking at him.
He nodded and threw my shirt to me and sat down at one off the chairs.
I pulled my shirt on, smoothing it out, then hearing Ashleys stomach growl loudly. "Someones hungry." I said laughing.
"Yeah a little, i didnt eat anything yet." He said looking at me.
I smiled and pulled out a box of cereal setting it on the table. I went back, grabbing two spoons and two bowls. I poured some in Ashleys bowl and put a tiny amount in mine. I put milk in it and passed it to Ashley, who smiled taking it. I took a soon and took a few fruit loops out and eating them. Ashley was done in a matter of minutes as i ate few at a time.
I got up taking mine and his bowl to the sink. "You ready to go now?" I asked grabbing my wallet and keys.
"Yeah I'm ready." He smiled and got up walking to the door.
I briefly looked at his ass and followed after him. I got in after Ashley and started the car. I really wanted to tell him how i feel but im just two damn scared. Maybe I will have enough balls to ask him out or just kiss him and see if he kisses back.
I pulled out of the driveway turning on the radio.
~skip car ride and right to the mall~
I parked the car in one of the spots, getting out and pulling out wallet. I opened it looking at my money and sighed seeing that i only had 20 dollars.
"So where are we going first?" He asked walking to to mall doors.
"I don't care, you can just pick and ill follow." I said walking behind him limping slightly.
"Hot topic it is then." He said smiling that to die for smile going to the escalators.
Maybe i can ask him to go to the park with me tomorrow and then out of nowhere i kiss him. Yeah thats what im going to do, i have it all planed out.
We both walked into the store and my eyes lit up at all the band merch. I wanted everything but sadly i was pore as shit. I picked up a hat or two and some new eye liner, going to the lady to pay. After I was done I looked at the jean jackets casually looking at Ashley picking out shirts. He walked to the lady paying and going over to me.
"What did you get?" He asked rubbing his arm nervously.
"Just a hat and some eye liner, that's all, you?" I asked walking out of the store.
"Um a few shirts, shoes, some other stuff. So where do you wanna go now?" He asked.
"We should go to that kids area and act all stupid." i smiled big.
"Sound like a great idea." He said as I jumped on his back wrapping my arms and legs around him.
"FOR NARNIA! I screamed throwing my fist in the air.
He laughed softly walking to the kids area holding onto my legs. "Damn your so light Andy, you weight like a feather." He said a little concerned.
"I weigh 96 pounds, thats it." I said softly.
"Well your gonna eat more while your with me." He said walking into the area.
"Fine, but just for you." I said getting off and started climbing the inch worm.
"Your so weird, but i like it." He said following me.
"Im just a four year old kid in a teenagers body." I said straddling the worm.
"Yup you are." He said ruffling my hair and sitting near me.
"Hey not the hair." I said messing up his.
"You wanna go Andy!" He said taking both hands messing it up.
"Oh its on! " I yelled standing up and tackling him.
We both fell off, Ash first and me lading right on top of him. I started messing up his hair as he rolled around trying to get away. I was quick, a little to quick for him, as i got on top of him and straddling him. I pinned his hands down on the carpet looking at him. I wanted to kiss him so bad right now. Do it Andy, what are you waiting for, here is your chance just kiss him already damn it. I let go of Ashley, getting off of him running my fingers through my hair. Ashley got up and blushed softly grabbing his Hot Topic bag.
Then right then and there i had made my decision. Im going to ask Ashley to meet me at the private park around the corner from us. That is where im going to kiss him to show how i feel about him. Fingers crossed that he feels the same way and won't leave me heart broken.
"So Ashley....there's a park around the corner from us....and i was wondering if you could meet me there around 9:00 pm or so." I said my heart racing.
"Sure I would love to." He said smiling.
God please let tonight go well.

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