Chapter 6

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I smiled looking at Ashley, just taking in all his hotness, from a far of course. If only he was mine, I wanted to call him mine. I know its only been a short while, but I feel like I've known him my whole life. All I wanted to do right now was to press my lips against his. Whenever he looked at me, I would get butterflies in stomach. When he smiled, oh that beautiful smile, made my heart skip a beat. I knew Ashley would never feel the same way as me, so I'm keeping my feelings a secret.

"Andy hello are you in there?" He said waving a hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry, i sort of zoned out there." I said standing up and running a hand through my hair.

"So Mr. Fun, what is on our agenda today?" He said putting an arm around my shoulder.

"We, my friend, are going to break into a place i know." I said putting my arm around his shoulder and started walking to the locked pool around the corner.

"Are me going to get caught?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Probobly not, I hope you like swimming." I said pulling him to a fenced area.

"But we have no towels, or bathing suites." He said.

"And?" I said simply letting go of him and started climbing the fence.

"So you mean skinny dipping?" He asked climbing up the fence.

"If you want, then by all means let it all hang free." I said jumping down, landing on my feet.

He followed shortly after, jumping down landing on his feet. "What do you mean if i want?" He asked.

"You can swim naked or keep your boxers on, thats your pick." I said walking to the pool area and taking off my shoes.

"Well what are you gonna do?" He asked taking off his shoes and socks.

"Don't know, I'll see how i feel when i get in." I said taking my belt off and unbuttoning my pants.

He took off his shirt reveling his sexy tanned skin, and his worked out body. I gazed over his body briefly when i got to his tattoo, i raised an eyebrow biting my bottom lip softly.

"Outlaw?" I asked looking up to him blushing a deep red.

"Uh yeah, i don't know why i got it." He said brushing a hand over the tat. Wouldn't I give to just touch his bare chest.

"i actually have tattoo myself." I said taking off my pants and throwing them next to my shoes.

"Really? Can i see it?" He asked unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down.

I forced myself to look down because all i was doing was staring at his sexiness. "Yeah i got one on my arm." I said staring to take off my shirt, but then instantly pushing it back down. I didn't want him to see my skinny body, you could see and count my ribs.

"Your not going swimming in your shirt are you?" He said laughing lightly.

"I just don't want you to judge me when i take off my shirt." I said playing with the lose strings.

"Why would I judge you, im not like that Andy, and what could be so bad you don't want to show me?" He said fixing his hair.

I sighed softly and took off my shirt letting it fall as i put an arm around my stomach. He looked at me with soft caring eyes and smiled.

"Its hard for me to judge you when there is nothing wrong with you." He said as I blushed deep red hiding it with my hair.

"Thanks Ash your really amazing." I said rubbing my arm.

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