Chapter 21

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Hey guys so sorry it took me so long to update this chapter. It took much thinking and I've decided that I was going to jump ahead a few years to when they have started a band. I would have updated a few days ago, but I got really sick and was admitted into the hospital earlier today. Anyway I'm going to try my best at this chapter, thank you all for sticking with me through this. Anyways to the story.

Andy's POV: ~skip a few years~

I was so tired, my energy was slowly depleting as I walked off the stage. Dreaming about tour as a child was perfect, but actually doing it for the first time was excruciating. The only thing that was keeping me going was the growing amount of fans and the one and only Ashley. I didn't know how he did it, he brought his 100% to each performance plus stayed up late partying. Was it fun to watch him party with everyone at the bars? No not really, he would get smashing drunk and I would have to be there to help him home. Everyone had said the fame was going to his head.

There was a couch I found backstage that seemed pretty comfortable. I managed to face plant the cushion and stretch out my long limbs. Sleeps was coming to me, but was sadly interrupted by wild screams and ear piercing laughter. A groan escaped my lips as I lifted my head to find Ashley stumbling into the room with two sluts cling to him. My stomach wrenched as I felt sick at just seeing that sight. I know he's drunk, but he could have at least considered our relationship.

Sometimes I questioned our relationship, it was only holding on by mere threads. We were so infatuated with each other in high school, but now we barely see each other anymore. I'm always in my bunk or with the guys, where Ashley was God knows where. Some nights I would wake up to a cold empty bed where Ashley was supposed to be sleeping with me.

"Andyyyyy w-what are you doing, the nights still young." Ashley slurred holding more onto the half dressed sluts.

"I'm tired it's been a long day, where you going?" I asked propping myself up with my elbow.

"Where ever the w-wind takes me...come on uh Jill and um Carry." He stumbled back out of the room leaving me alone. Is it sad that I've gotten used to this?

"I love you to." I whispered softy shoving me head back into the couch, biting the inside of my cheek so I didn't cry.

The bus was spewing out hot hair, trying to warm my frozen toes from the freezing climate. I was flipping through the channels trying to find something amusing to entertain me. Half of my popcorn I made was gone when I settled on watching an old repeat of the Walking Dead. It was hard to concentrate on anything when my mind would just wander to Ashley. He hadn't texted me, nor answered any of my texts I sent almost 2 hours ago. I was frustrated, no beyond that, infuriated with Ashley. Not one call or even an "I'm ok baby" text since I saw him just after the concert. He could have been dead in a ditch and I wouldn't have know since he never picks up the phone.

"Hey you ok?" Jinxx, my guitarist of the group, asked while taking a seat on the couch next to me.

"I don't know anymore Jinxx." I breathed out, shoving the empty bowl off my lap and watched it roll the the empty spot next to me. That was Ashes spot...

"It's Ashley again isn't it?"

"When isn't it?" I said letting out a small sad chuckle.

"Come on tell Mama Jinxx what's the matter."

"We've grown distant since we started tour. Everywhere I went, he was always by my side telling me he loved me, just making sure I was ok. Now I never know where he is, it's a rare time he answers my calls, and I can't remember the last time he said he loved me." Just speaking about this made we want to cry, I didn't want to be a baby but I'm potentially losing my soul mate even more as we speak.

"Why don't you call him and leave him a message about how your feeling. When he finally sobers up he'll listen to it and come running to you."

"Your the best Mama Jinxx thank you so much." I gave him a huge hug before grabbing my phone and running towards to bunks.

I sat on the bed with the door locked and my cellphone phone in hand. I contemplating on what I was going to say to him. I formulated a plan in my head on what I was going to vent. I hit his number and put the phone next to my ear. I heard it ring one, two, three times before it went straight to his voice mail. The whole plan left my head as the phone beeped waiting to start my message.

"Hey Ashley it''s Andy." My voice was so weak and pathetic. " I've been think about everything, mostly us as a couple. I never see you anymore and when we talk your always drunk with girls on your arms. We've been so close for as long as I can remember, and now tour has changed you in a completely different person, who frankly I don't know anymore. I know you won't get this till you sober up, if you sober up, I just wanted to tell you this. Also Ash...D-Do you still love me? I-I feel like I'm a burden to you, a-and that you've fallen out of love w-with me. S-So that's all I guess...G-Goodbye and g-goodnight Ashley." My voice cracked at the end as I shut the phone. All the tears I had been holding in was finally coming out. They stained my cheeks as I laid there on my back staring at the wall. The only thing that plagued my thoughts were pain and agony. I felt my heart break as soft sobs escaped my lips. I was incredibly tired. I just wanted to sleep, sleep forever almost.

"I ruled the world.
With these hands I shook the heavens to the ground.
I laid the gods to rest.
I held the key to the kingdom.
Lions guarding castle walls.
Hail the king of death.

Then I lost it all
Dead and broken.
My back's against the wall.
Cut me open.
I'm just trying to breathe,
Just trying to figure it out
Because I built these walls to watch them crumbling down.
I said, "Then I lost it all."
And who can save me now?" My voiced cracked as more tears fell from my eyes while softy singing the lyrics to only myself.

"I stood above
Another war,
Another jewel upon the crown.
I was the fear of men.
But I was blind.
I couldn't see the world there right in front of me.
But now I can... (yeah)

'Cause I lost it all
Dead and broken.
My back's against the wall.
Cut me open.
I'm just trying to breathe,
Just trying to figure it out
Because I built these walls to watch them crumbling down.
I said, "Then I lost it all."
Who can save me now?


I believe that we all fall down sometimes (oh)
Can't you see (can't you see it) that we all fall down sometimes? (oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh yeah)

I believe that we all fall down sometimes (oh)
(Can't you see, yeah) Can't you see that we all fall down sometimes? (yeah, we all, yeah, we all fall down)


I believe that we all fall down sometimes
Yeah." As I finished the rest of the song, my body felt broken and numb. I had lost it all that very day. My eyelids dropped over my eyes as I was consumed with another lonely night of sleep.

Okay there's chapter 21. Alright everyone I know that lost it all was one of there slightly newer songs, but I felt that it fit for the emotional aspect of this chapter. The link for lost it all is on the top or for others on the side. If I made you cry I'm so sorry, I was to the point of tears writing this. Anyway vote, comment, share. Love you and goodnight <3

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