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Tzuyu opens the door and she saw Mina standing in front of the door "Mina where have you been?! We're looking for you for about 3 hours!" Mina just passed by Tzuyu with a stern on her face and a red eye that looks fresh from crying "Mina! what happened? are you okay?" Tzuyu followed Mina to her bed but Mina lays down and she burried her face in the pillow.

The girl started to cry that made Tzuyu worried to Mina "Hey what happened? I know you are drunk but please stop crying" Mina is sobbing to her pillow, Tzuyu let Mina to cry first and after that Mina stops "I need to rest and I need to be alone" Tzuyu respect her decision and she left Mina alone in the room.

Morning came, Sana and Tzuyu wakes up Mina on her bed "Hey sleepyhead wake up! we are here to have a vacation not to sleep all day" Sana drags Mina's body and Mina woke up "You can wake me up by not dragging me into this"

Sana chuckled and she let go of Mina "Okay, hey are you okay now? Tzuyu tells it to me that you cried yesterday or you are drunk?"

Mina acts that she is trying to remember what happened yesterday but the truth is she remembers all clearly "Hmm both" she stood up and she stretch her body.

The three go out to their hotel room and they go to the beach they saw a lot of cameras the two walks towards but one of the staffs stops them "I'm sorry but you are not allowed to enter this area, sorry for the inconvenience" The staff bows to them.

"Psh, I am excited to swim" Tzuyu said while crossing her arms "Is that Chaeyoung?" Sana giggled, Mina just look to their direction and after that she divert her eyes in the ocean.

"Okay! Silence everyone this should be in one take and Action!" The director said

When Mina heard the cue she looks to Chaeyoung and she is doing her role well. Until the girl came to her and she sits on Chaeyoung's lap and they kiss torridly. Chaeyoung held the back of the girl and Mina saw that Chaeyoung wants her tongue to let in and the girl accepts it.

Mina's hand turns into a fist while she is seeing Chaeyoung kissing someone, even though she knows it's acting her heart is aching so much.

When the director cue to stop Chaeyoung she immediately wipes her lips with a towel and she left the set.

Tzuyu looks to Mina and she saw the girl is turning red "Hey why are you turning red? Is it that hot?" Mina scoffs and she left the two.

She go back to her hotel to eat something until she bumped someone at the lobby that made Mina fell to the ground "Ouch! can't you see who is the person in front of you?!"

The tall girl bend and she help Mina "I'm So sorry i was in hurry!" The tall girl looks into Mina's face and her world stops "M-Mina? is that you?" MIna knitted her eyebrows "It's me Jeongyeon" She smiles to Mina and she help Mina to get up "Ah! Jeongyeon?? way back in High school??" Jeongyeon smiles and she nods briskly.

"Where are you going?" Jeongyeon ask "Gonna eat something there" she smiles "I need to go now I'm in hurry I'm so sorry Mina, see you around" Jeongyeon smiles and she ran.

Mina seats in the table and she order something when the waiter approach her.

On the other hand Chaeyoung is also in the same room as well as Mina, she saw Mina enters and she seats on the table.

I will make it up to you I'll promise.

Chaeyoung stood up and she grabs the chair in front of Mina that made the older girl jolted to her seat.

"What the fuck?" Mina said while her hands is on her chest "Language, Sharon" She smirk to Mina.

Mina roll her eyes and she stood up and Chaeyoung hold her wrist "Where are you going?" she smirks "Chaeyoung, don't touch me do you think I'll forgive you, after what you did to me? Hell no" She let go of Chaeyoung's hand and she walks aways.

Chaeyoung followed her and she hug the girl from the back, Mina froze and she prays to all the god that it will last longer, the cub whisper "I saw you earlier, looks pissed huh?" she chuckled, Chaeyoung's voice came down to her spine to cause shivers. That perfume it still reminds me the day when I confess to you Mina closes her eyes and she let go of Chaeyoung "I swear if you keep on following me I'll post to my twitter that you are harassing me"

Chaeyoung laughs "Do whatever you want, I deserve it but this time I won't give up to you Mina. You don't know nothing" Chaeyoung weakly smiles and she left Mina at the lobby.

"Okay! You say so I already got my permission to you so be ready!" She shouts to Chaeyoung but Chaeyoung waved in peace sign while walking away.

I don't know anything?

she left puzzled again one more time.

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