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Spotlight, LED Screen, loud chants of Audience is what Chaeyoung experiencing for the past 4 years. She didn't expect that she'll be going to be famous, everywhere she goes people follow her, she admit that she is getting tired but that's not the reason to give up.

Today is the premier night where her movie with Nancy can be seen around the world. People ship them but Chaeyoung doesn't like it.

"Please open your eyes" The makeup artist command her, she open her eyes and she looks satisfied with the light make up "Are you okay with that?" her make up artist ask and the younger girl nods "Yep thank you" she smile and she stood up.

"Chaeyoung-ssi! Congratulations on your premier night!" Dahyun hugs Chaeyoung and she gave a bouquet of flowers to Chaeyoung "Hey my make up" Chaeyoung jokingly said and Dahyun laughs, the white girl leans to whisper in Chaeyoung's ear "Do you want me to lick that make up?" she pull herself and she smirk to Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung slaps Dahyun's arm "Dude bro no" Dahyun laughs and she pats Chaeyoung's suit "Congratulations again my bro" Dahyun dramatically said, Nayeon interrupt the two while holding a folder to her hands "Okay stop the drama, Chaeyoung I need to talk to you" Chaeyoung's smile vanish again and she walks towards to Nayeon "What is it?

Nayeon smiles and she give the folder to Chaeyoung "You have another project!!" Chaeyoung took the paper, while she is scanning the papers her eyebrows knitted and she look to Nayeon "Nayeon, I don't like this Character" Chaeyoung frankly said to Nayeon that made the bunny girl  smile widely to Chaeyoung "What? what's wrong? your character is the most sexiest character that exist, you should be grateful because the company accept this project" Chaeyoung takes a deep sigh and she close the folder.

"Ms. Nayeon? the premier will starts in any moment please prepare Chaeyoung" one of the staff talk to Nayeon. Chaeyoung closes her eyes and she need to show her other side again which is being a bad girl in public eyes.

"Please welcome Chaeyoung and Nancy!" The MC announce that made the fans to scream out of their lungs. The two walk in the aisle, the blonde girl held Nancy's waist with a poker face while walking that's why their fans started to scream, Chaeyoung looks good wearing maroon suit while Nancy is wearing Yellow dress.

"You looks so different, Chaeyoung" Nancy whisper in Chaeyoung's ear "Shut up you boom boom" Nancy's eyes widen when Chaeyoung whisper to her "What? I don't have any smell" Chaeyoung just roll her eyes.

"OMG! Chaeyoung had sex with Nancy in the movie?! what the friggin hell!!" Sana Jumps out from her bed while screaming to her phone, she walk towards to Mina who is busy studying in her study table, she shakes Mina's body "And?? Stop shaking my body Sana! I have a test tomorrow and I don't care who the hell is that Chaeyoung or Nancy that you are talking about!"

Mina screams and she looks to her side, Sana's eyes widen when she saw her best friend scream like that "woah I should record that earlier and make it as my alarm clock, can you do it again one more time wait" Sana stood up and she grabs her phone, Mina takes a deep sigh and she ruffles her hair Can they please stop

Sana screams again while scrolling to her phone "Mina!! omg look at this Chaeyoung looks really cool. I wish she's dating me" Sana blink her eyes way too many times that Mina rolls her eyes because she has no interest at all "Sana can u please stop they are both girls and they are making out? Are you sure about that? I don't really like that Chaeyoung girl because I already saw her attitude, she is cancelled!" Mina lift her two arms and she made an X sign "Cancelled!!"

Sana mocks Mina "Stop being homophobic you penguin!" Sana shouts and she went back to her bed.

Mina opens her phone and she scroll to her social media accounts "Chaeyoung all over my fucking news feed!" she throws her phone to the bed and she focus again in studying.

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