Chapter 1

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Amri's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and i groaned. 

''shut up'' i said and turned it off. 

''you know telling the alarm clock to shut up isnt gonna make it stop working forever'' dad said when he came in and laughed. 

''a girl can dream'' i said 

My dad Ken Lockwood the proud alpha who never had a son. Harsh i know but when you spend your whole life hearing how he wishes his daughter was a boy kinda makes it hard not to be. 

''oh up amri you have school in an hour'' mom said 

My mom the proud luna who loves everyone and is loved by everyone. She's like my mom and grandma wrapped in one you get the sweets every day baked by hers truly. I love that women. 

''Oh lucky me'' i said and she chuckled.

''Remind me why human school again?'' i said 

''Amri you get the same answer every time you ask'' dad said

''And i hope every single time i ask maybe it would change'' i said and he smiled

''go'' mom said and i rolled out of bed as they walked out.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. I threw my hair up in a bun and grabbed my bag and ran downstairs as i saw i was gonna be late. 

''BYE MOM BYE DAD LOVE YOU!'' i yelled and i hopped on my early birthday gift. Sorry let me brag. 

MV agusta f4 pure white courtesy of my dad for my 18th birthday coming up next week. Right let me explain myself now. I'm Amri Lockwood i go to Edgewood Highschool with a bunch of Mortals and very few of my kind. When i turn 18 i will be the alpha of Jinwood Pack. Yeah a girl as an alpha is a luna but in my case its.. different i guess. I don't know i don't want to be alpha i don't know why they can't give it to Henry Taylor. He's the son of my dad's beta. But that's a conversation for next week when i turn it down and get a whole argument. But for now what people don't know wont kill em. Right?

I get to school and run inside and head to my gym class. 

''Late again Lockwood'' Coach Rodgers said 

''with all due respect we know i'll probably never be on time'' i said 

''and with all due respect lockwood it gets you detention'' she said and i rolled my eyes. 

''yeah whatever'' i said and 

''great the freak show showed up'' Lina said 

Oh Lina Waters. Perky Head Cheerleader what a big ass joy in my life. 

''watch it waters'' coach said 

''what lets not all sit here and pretend that lockwoods arent freaks'' lina said 

''oh yeah? why don't you come over here and test it out'' i said and flashed my eyes. 

''DID YALL SEE THAT LOCKWOOD IS A FREAK SHE JUST CHANGED HER EYES!'' lina yelled and everyone laughed.

''WATERS THATS IT OFFICE NOW!'' coach yelled and she groaned and walked out of the gym and i chuckled.

''first time all year i've seen you put her in her place'' kira said 

Kira Parks my best friend and someone who has always stuck by my side. More like the sister i've never had.

''everyone has a limit'' i said 

I continued through my day and went through hell but mortals call it high school. 

''outside?'' andrew linked me and i looked out the window to see him smiling like a big ol idiot.

I asked to go to the restroom and left the class and walked out and he gave me a hug. 

''So theres a party at Jazmine's tonight you coming?'' he said 

''a party where i have to see people i see everyday'' i said and he chuckled

''come on lockwood you never come out no more'' he said 

''dad's had me on this lockdown'' i said 

''alpha?'' he said 

''yup he think's i shouldn't be acting out at this time so close to the oath'' i said 

''but you aren't even becoming alpha'' he said 

''hey would you keep it down we do have ears'' i said 

Andrew and Kira are the only ones who know im not going to claim the position. Had to at least tell someone right.

''fine ill go'' i said and he smiled 

''yes!'' he said and i laughed 

''jenny going'' i said and he nodded

''so after school get home and get ready ill pick you up?'' he said and i nodded

''sure'' i said 

''alright see you later Locks'' he said and chuckled

''shut it Norway'' i said and he laughed and i went back to class.

Andrew Norway my other bestfriend. No description there just been there since birth basically. 

After school i went home and got ready. I curled my hair and put on a skin tight off the shoulder black dress. I grabbed some black sandals and my clutch and my dad walked in.

''where are you going?'' he said

''jazmine's party'' i said 

''no i don't think so'' he said 

''not this close to the oath'' he said 

Maybe the conversation need to happen now?

''im going dad i havent had fun in weeks because of this stupid oath'' i said and he growled.

''stupid oath it is your birth right do not disrespect that'' he said and flashed his eyes. 

''did you ever stop and think that maybe its not something i want'' i said 

''amri you are the only child'' he said 



''no dad you have been looking forward to this YOUR whole life not mine sorry i couldn't be the perfect son you always wanted my bad for fucking up your dream'' i said and pushed passed him and i grabbed my pants and went to the restroom and put them on and i hiked up my dress into a shirt and jumped out the window. 

''don't come for me im not going anymore'' i linked andrew and i cut off the link. 

I hopped on my bike and i drove off. Well that went so perfect didn't it..


So i know i've kinda been off and the book i was writing before i just didn't have the motivation to write it anymore i took a break because it was my senior year and now that im graduated ill have more time before i start school again and i will probably finish this book before then. Sorry for lacking but hope this book makes up for it <3 Cover will be up soon.!


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