You stopped and stared at the screen. 

What did that mean?  You were almost sure he was behind the delivery.  You were smiling, thinking of a way to get it out of him when you sat back down at your desk to work.

Jin put his phone down and returned to practice.  There was no way you were getting that information out of him. 

Well, he paused, there were a couple of delicious ways you could coax it out of him. 

His mind was busy imagining your reaction to the food delivery.  He was saved from imagining further than that by a sharp reprimand from his leader. 

Work now, dream later.

Two days later your team had finally worked the crisis into a manageable direction.  For the first time since the District meeting you had a minute to catch your breath.

You stood at the window looking around the skyscrapers into the late afternoon sky. 

A cold diet Coke and some chocolate from the break room made you content.

Since the caterer had filled the break room with goodies you had been thinking of Jin. 

Every time you went into the room, every time you saw a coworker enjoying a break, you thought of Jin. 

You knew he had done this and you were so grateful for his kindness.

However, you were still troubled by Jin's actions at the club.  You wondered how the man who showed such kindness was the same man who hurt you so badly just a short time ago.

As you stood thinking about that question your assistant pounced into the room. 

“You have another delivery” he practically sang.

You felt yourself flush.  You would be so very disappointed if Jin thought sending you flowers or candy was going to make everything right.  You found yourself growing angry at the thought.

Sighing, you waited for him to continue. 

He huffed when you did not react or try to guess what it was.

“You are no fun" he grumbled as he went out to his desk.

He returned immediately.  Instead of some huge, overcompensating bouquet of flowers he held a small package in his hand.  You were intrigued.

He handed you the package and leaned with you on the desk.

“What is it?” he breathed.

Catching your look, he huffed again and returned to his desk muttering “no fun".

You went to sit behind your desk and examined the package in your hands.  It was small and wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine.  It was beautiful in it's simplicity.

You carefully untied the twine and discarded the paper.  Inside was an envelope and a beautiful journal bound in soft leather and fastened with a key which fit in a loop on the front.

You carefully opened the envelope and withdrew a beautifully handwritten letter.  You held your breath as you opened the heavy paper.

Dear Heart"  you read the beginning and frowned. 

What was this?  You began again.


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Dear Heart;

Please don’t think I am strange and stop reading.  I started this letter about ten times before I settled on this. 

I wanted to be more intimate than your formal name but knew I had not nearly earned the other things I hoped to call you. 

However, when I came to this I thought it was appropriate because I want to say these things directly to your heart in hopes you will forgive me and see the real me.

I had a feeling that flowers or candy would only make you mad.

I was afraid you would find them cheap tokens without any real effort to address the problem between us. 

Plus I am afraid there is not a big enough bouquet of flowers to fix the mess I made.

I know I can only make this right by showing you I am genuine in my interest in you and that my intentions are only respectful.

I think the only way to do that is by speaking to your heart and showing you mine. 

That's the purpose of the journal.  I have it's mate.  I know things will be crazy for both of us right now.  But I plan to write to you about myself and ask you things about your life.  I really hope you do the same. 

We could each write in our journals to  share our days or write down our struggles and questions and fears with hope that soon we can share these thoughts with each other.

Maybe this sounds crazy, but I want to get to know you.  I want to know how to make you laugh, what makes you cry.

Those are the things that drew me into the flower shop after you. 

I want more of that.  I want to know you.

Again…..please don't think I am weird…please!!!  I will be waiting until you feel the time is right for us to talk.  In the meantime, let me learn about you.

Very truly yours,

                       Kim SeokJin”

Underneath his name he had boldly written “Jin"

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Underneath his name he had boldly written “Jin". 

He absolutely took your breath away.

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