Chapter 9

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I woke up and went in August's room and took Ella out the bed. I put her in the tub while I took a shower. I got out and took her out. I dried her off and put her hair in two ponytails. I put her on a pullup and a striped rhomper with her air force ones and I took my same shoes out. I put on a tshirt that I made a crop top and bleached blue shorts. I made my hair curly and grabbed my phone, car keys and purse. I quietly tip toed down the stairs. As soon as I closed the front door I heard August call my name. I ran to the car strapped Ella in and pulled off.

"Mommy where wee gwo" Ella said.

"To the mall" I told her. We pulled up and I grabbed my purse and let Ella walk. I bought her a bunch of clothes and shoes and the same for myself. We sat down at the food court and I checked the time. It said 5 oclock damn. I had missed calls from everyone and text. I turned my phone off and got us some pizza and juice.

We ate and I went to throw our food away. "Aye" Some guy said.

I turned around. My gawd he was fine as FUCK not as fine as August but yeah. "Wassup" I said keeping a eye on Ella.

"Yo daughter?" he asked.

"Sum like that but naw" I said.

He smiled showing his dimples. "Wanna come to my party tonight?" he said.

"I'll think about it" I said and smiled.

"Ight" he said and handed me a flyer. He winked at me and soon as I spun around I knew his eyes were on my ass. I turned around and winked at him.

"Come on Ells" I said picking her up and getting my purse. I got in the car and looked at the flyer. I looked at the flyer and thought to myself. Do I really need to go out? Just some time alone. I drove to Ms. Alsina's house and dropped Ella off. I drove home and texted August.

illy. - Um i need to get me and ella stuff can i come?
bitch nigga- yup

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